26. How Sants give Naam

Most people following religion are so busy doing their religious rules and regulations that hardly any of them seem to have personal expereince of God.  Why is that?   Its because they have not been lit by an enlightened soul, like one candles lights another.  Why not?  Because meeting an enlighteed soul was not ni their destiny.    However over time as most religious followers have not met anyone with spiritual expereinces nor have they had spiritual expereinces themselves, they soon start saying expereincing God is not required.  Like my Dad said the other day, "I’ve taken amrit, I do seva and dont need to sit for hours doing bhagati and simran.  I know Guru Gobind Singh ji will come and get me."    And when you mention that Sants give Naam, he will say, "Well didn’t I get naam when I took amrit?"    To which I reply, "No you didnt, becuase your panj pyaray weren’t lit themselves." Then he’ll reply "The panj pyaray are just like 5 generals recruting soldiers for the Khalsa army, they dont have to be saints."   However, even people who do get amrit from Sants , dont get naam at the ceremony.    Even those Sants only give naam to a very few close people, only the ones they think are worthy of respecting it.  Becuase they know how hard it was to ge naam themselves they dont give it away to easily.  Read the following to understand more of this secret practise that is kept hidden from Sikh masses.




During the past few months we have been reading the books written by some of the followers of Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji – Kaleran Waley (Nine Volumes) and books written by Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji – Ratwara Sahib Waley (various books).


The books on the life of Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji’s life are written by a very close Sangat member, who did Baba Nand Singh Ji’s Sangat for a long time. It is very rare in Sikh Religion that a Sant Himself have written any books based on their own spiritual experiences or describing their own divinity and Bandgi related experiences to help the masses, but Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji is such a soul whose discourses have been put in to book forms.  He has also very kindly written on the discourses and His spiritual experiences (to some extent), which He was blessed during His Sangat with Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji – Rara Sahib Waley.


The books written on the life of Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji and also the books written by Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji are not merely books, but are a source of great inspiration for the truth seekers, which are enriched by their own physical and practical divine experiences and complete realization of the divinity at very high levels of spirituality and reflect the complete commitment, belief, trust, faith, devotional love in the Guru, Gur and Gurbani.


There is a lot of Divine Wisdom – Braham Gyan disseminated through these books. Reading of these books of divine wisdom have strengthened and reinforced our beliefs, commitment, trust, faith and devotional love for the Guru, Gur and Gurbani as well as in our own self and in what we have done and what we have been doing on the Bandgi Marg, on the Sant Marg, on the Khalsa Marg.


Every verse of the Gurbani we hear or read, every page of these books we have read and continue to do so has enhanced and reinforced our commitment, belief, faith, trust and devotional love for the Guru, Gur, Gurbani as well as in our own self and what we have been doing on Bandgi Marg, on the Sant Marg, on the Khalsa Marg. SAT Marg, Satnaam Marg.


These Sants had an unbelievable belief, commitment, trust, faith, Sachee Shardha Sachee Preet and devotional love for the Guru, Gur and Gurbani and became Gurbani by themselves and this was the only and only reason for their spiritual progress and which took them to a very high levels of spiritual world and this is what they have preached for all their lives for the spiritual uplift of the masses. The social uplift is always a byproduct of the spiritual upliftment, whenever we get uplifted spiritually our life in general becomes better and better, our behavior improves, we restore to exercising truth in our daily life, we develop better habits and the divine qualities and so on. 


Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji and Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji are decedents of two of the Dhan Dhan Puran Khalsas (commonly known as Punj Pyare) of Dhan Dhan Shri Dassam Patshah Ji Guru Gobind Singh Ji. Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji was blessed with the Gur Parsaad by Sant Baba Harnam Singh Ji (Puchowal) and Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji was blessed with the Gur Parsaad by Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji (Rara Sahib).  Here is the hierarchy of Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji Ratwara Sahib Wale:

1. Dhan Dhan Shri Dassam Patshah Guru Gobind Singh Ji
2. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Bhai Daya Singh Ji – one of the Five Puran Khalsas blessed by Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji
3. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Shoba Singh Ji
4. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Sahib Singh Ji Bedi Una Wale
5. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Bhag Singh Ji
6. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Bir Singh Ji Naurangabad
7. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Maharaj Singh Ji and Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Khuda Singh JI
8. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Ram Singh Ji were the Desciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Maharaj Singh Ji)
9. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Karam Singh Ji Hoti Mardan
10. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Aya Singh Ji and Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji
11. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Bhagwan Singh Ji were desciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji
12. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Kishan Singh Ji were desciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji
13. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Rara Sahib were desciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Attar Singh Ji
14. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji Ratwara Sahib were disciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Rara Sahib
15. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Jathedaar Mohinder Singh Ji Rara Sahib Jarg is the disciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Rara Sahib
16. Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Bhupinder Singh Ji Rara Sahib Jarg (currently serving the Sangat) is the disciple of Dhan Dhan Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji Rara Sahib

All these Maha Purakhs were very highly enlightened souls they were, however, Gurbani says:


Braham Gyani Sad Jivey Nahi Martaa


Their presence can still be felt as we feel and have Darshahs of the Guru Sahibans, Puran Braham Gyanis, Puran Khalsas and Param Padvi merged in Akal Purakh. Our head will always and forever remain under the Charan Dhool (foot dust) of these Sada Suhagans.  We are thankful a zillion times with every breath of ours to them for there unbeatable and unmatched contributions in uplifting the spiritual levels of the masses, for giving Mukti to a large number of souls, for their Naam Ki Kamai, for their Maha Parupkaar, for absorbing the Kood and give divine light and divine wisdom to the masses, show the path to Sach Khand to the masses, spread the message of the Guru Sahibans and the Akal Purakh for the upliftment of the spiritual and general character of the masses. 


We would like to share some of the information with the Sangat which is based on the study of these books, it might help understand and answer some of the questions that you might have in your minds. One such question which has popped up many a times in our mind and which might have popped up in your minds as well is:


How the Process of Naam Daan or Gur Parsaad Daan or Gur Parsaadi Naam Daan worked in the Sangat of these Maha Purakhs?


Before and while reading these books, this question have always been there at the back of our mind. The process of Naam Daan as we understood from Sant Baba Nand Singh Ji and Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji was as follows:




To the new comers (let us assume that you are a new comer) who has realized the importance of the Naam, Bandgi and Seva in this human life span and has become interested in doing Bandgi they will always ask and find out what exactly are you doing as far as the Nitnem is concerned.  Or what Nitnem you do and depending upon your answer and after talking to you they will advise you to start doing the Nitnem regularly.  By Nitnem they will mean Panj Bani Paath in the morning and Vaheguru Simran to some people those who are very regular in their Nitnem.  The stress will be on doing the Nitnem and be proficient in doing the Nitnem without a break for a long period of time ranging from a year to several years.  They will also advise to come in the Sangat as much as they can. In fact the effect of coming in the Sangat will be much more than probably being regular in Nitnem.  The Sangat of a Braham Gyani is very rewarding spiritually, it has a very deep effect on a lot of people and they get more and more committed to believe, trust and faith in Guru, Gur and Gurbani. Obviously when the word of such an enlightened soul will be earned by you it will uplift your spiritual level.




When you follow their instructions diligently for becoming proficient in Nitnem for as long as you were told by them to do so and with your frequent visits to their Sangat, which will enhance your commitment, belief, faith, trust, devotion and love for the Guru, Gur and Gurbani and you will start to feel the thirst for the Naam then they will ask you to take the Khandy Ki Pahul given by the Panj Pyare.


These Panj Pyare will be the Gursikhs from their Sangat blessed by them with the Gur Parsaad and who are very advanced in their spiritual levels and Bandgi. One thing very important to mention here is that there is no indication that these Maha Purakhs directly involved themselves in the preparation of the Khandy Ki Pahul but for sure this Khandey Ki Pahul must be blessed by these Maha Purakhs.  However, Guru Gobind Singh Ji who Himself was Nirankaar Roop Puran Sant Satguru a Puran Braham Gyani Amrit Ka Dataa, prepared the Khandy Ki Pahul by Himself and blessed the five souls with the Padvi of Puran Khalsas, who became Puran Braham Gyanis with this Gur Parsaad, the Guru then called them the Khalsas and by virtue of being Khalsas, the Guru gave them the status of Satguru and then bowed before them to show His respect, devotion and love for the Khalsa.


But please always remember one thing which is very important that these five souls gave their head to the Guru, they gave their every thing to the Guru, this is called complete surrender, and look at the Guru Himself, what He did, He sacrificed everything He had for the sake of the Dharam, to protect the masses, to the Naam, to the Seva of the humanity, to the seva of Akal Purakh, and set a new standard of the sacrifice by giving the lives of His father – Shri Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji, His four Sahib Zadas, and everyone else in the family including Himself, thus setting this new standards for the Khalsa.


So the Khalsa is a very high spiritual state of a soul where there remains no difference between the Khalsa and the Guru and Akal Purakh, all these entities become one and merge in each other completely. The Khalsa is the one who have won over Maya completely, who is in fact served by the Maya, the Panj Doots (Kaam Krodh Lobh Moh and Ahankaar) and has no desires left, have Puran Param Jyot Parkash in His Hirda, is a Sada Suhagan with all the divine qualities, has Naam in the Hirda, has all the seven centers of spiritual energy activated, all the divine doors opened, has the Naam in the Rom Rom going on continuous basis, has achieved the Anhad Shabad music in the Dassam Duaar, who drinks the highest Amrit – Atum Rus on a continuous basis, has become Amrit Ka Dataa by virtue of all these enhancements in his spiritual status and only such a soul can give the Amrit to others or can prepare the Khandy Ki Pahul. So it will definitely be very blissful to take Khandy Ki Pahul prepared under the Chattar of such Maha Purakhs.


Duting the Pahul taking you will be normally given the Gurmanter – Vaheguroo by the Panj Pyare as well as told to do Mool Manter Jaap as a part of your Nitnem.



After following the instructions of the Panj Pyare for a fairly long time, depending upon your dedication and your spiritual state, which can run in to several years and with a consistent and constant participation in their Satsang and being close to these Maha Purakhs when you request for the Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan and many a times with repeated requests, they will advise you to do Mool Manter Jaap for a long time. 


Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji used to give 125,000 Mool Manter Jaaps (3240 per day – 30 Mala of 108 per day) to be done each month for several months and in some cases several years, normally he would tell you to do it for six months, and then would ask you to repeat it for another six months or more before He will consider you for the Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan.


By the time the person is ready to receive the Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan he has done already cleaned up himself from inside out and learned to live in a discipline or Maryada of these Maha Purakhs, and only such people who have become very proficient in meeting His standards will be given the Gur Parsaad.


The idea behind doing so is that by such time the person has fully prepared himself for handling the Gur Parsaad of Naam, he has achieved a very good degree of control over his mind and will not be distracted by doubts, delusions or illusions, he is fully prepared to absorb the Gur Parsaad, he is fully prepared and have developed the patience to handle the rewards of the Gur Parsaad. In other words the person is fully trained to perform the job of absorbing the Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan and the possibility of backing out or turning his back is practically reduced to zero.  There will be very few such souls who will reach that level of performance and be ready to get the Gur and absorb the Parsaad of Naam Daan in their Sangat.


Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji used to give an example in His Sangat that the milk of the lioness can be saved only in a gold utensil, the milk of the lioness is so strong that its acidic properties will destroy utensils made of any other metal, similarly the Naam is so powerful that it will not be contained in a soul that is not ready to receive it.


Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji did Sangat of Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji for 30 years (1935-1975) and he was very close to Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji blessed with the Gur Parsaad. In May of 1975.  Just before His (Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji) trip to England which commenced in May of 1975, when Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji requested Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji to bless some of the Sangat of U.P. (Uttar Pardesh – state of India where Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji used to own agriculture land and had agriculture business) with Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan after their completion of Mool Manter Jaap millions of times, at this time Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji told Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji to give Naam Daan to the Sangat by Himself, which means that Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji was authorizing Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji to give the Gur Parsaad to the Sangat, at this Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji declined to do so by saying that He is not capable of taking all the sins of these Sangat on Himself and so He requested back to Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji to give the Naam Daan to the Sangat by Himself.


At this time Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji said that He (Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji) can take His body (Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji’s) and load all the sins of the Sangat on His (Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji’s) body, which basically means that Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji was not ready to absorb the Kood (falsehood) and sins of the Sangat that He was requesting to be given Naam Daan by Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji even after doing Sangat of Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji for 30 years and also probably He (Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji) wanted to give all the Wadyaaee – praise to Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji, unaware of the fact that He (Sant Baba Waryam Singh Ji) is seeing Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji for the last time.  (Sant Baba Ishar Singh Ji left His body in the August of 1975 during His England trip) and will have to take up the responsibility of giving Naam Daan to the Sangat anyway.


This means that whenever a Sant gives the Gur Parsaad to a person, He takes full responsibility and have to absorb all the poison and sins of the person He is giving Naam Daan. That is the job of a Sant, to absorb the poison and give Amrit to others; Jee Daan is the highest Daan, it is the highest level of the Daan:


Jan Parupkari Aaye,
Jee Daan Dey Bhagti Layan Har Siu Leyn Milaye;


Giving the Gur Parsaad of Naam Bandgi and Seva is the “Jee Daan” and it is the highest level of the Daan, there is no donation better than this donation, and that is what a Puran Sant does, and after getting this Daan if the disciple backs out and becomes Beymukh (traitor to the Guru) and does Nindya (slander) of such a soul who has given the highest Daan then nobody can protect Him from going to the hell.



The above words show that how difficult it is to get Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan as well as how difficult it is to give Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan. When these Maha Purakhs gave the Gur Parsaad of Naam Daan, they made the people work very hard for a long period of time.  During this period of time only the ones who are really worth the Naam Daan are left.  All the others are filtered out to be blessed at a different time in time and space according to their Karni. They didn’t give Naam to each and every one who came in their Sangat, there were few selected ones who really deserved the Naam Daan based on their Karni, dedication, faith, trust, commitment, belief, devotion and love for the Guru, Gur and Gurbani. Out of these few only one could succeed these Maha Purakhs or sometimes two or at the most three to carry on the Naam Ki Seva at their level.

We hope this will make you understand this subject and how fortunate we all are to be blessed with the Gur Parsaad of Naam.

Dassan Das (Slave Of God’s Slaves)