Yoga comes from the word Jog (or Yog) which means union with God, to become one with God, and when that happens then we become a true divine Yogi (Jogi). So when we become a Jogi then we are blessed with all of the eternal treasures. We also become a winner over of Maya. Then Maya serves us. So Maya runs the world and at the same time Maya serves us.
The third eye will open by guru’s kirpa only (not through position (asans) and breathing technques), and sat naam will help you, you should not even think about it, and same is true with kundilini rising. Once you are blessed with gurparsaadi naam by Baba ji. Your progress should be much faster, we even didn’t know when our dassam duaar opened, so please don’t think about these things and just concentrate on simran – for more understanding please read the article on ajapa jaap again. Just do simran in a sukh assan (comfortable position) only.