An old lady living nearby Ginny Bedi’s house in Ludhiana discovered us and came running to see us.
This old lady 90 years age lives a few homes away
She is a very highly blessed soul
She is our mother from previous janam
No body told her or invited her to sangat
She is blessed with divine vision
She came to know about sangat by herself and came running saying my guru has come and fell on our feet
And then a lot happened over there
She was blessed with Jivan MUKTI
There will be sangat in Patiala 13-15 Dec all of you and Sat paar BRAHAM baba Ji please bless us and sangat with your blessings
Sat paar BRAHAM MAHARAJ Ji pal pal chin chin SWAAS SWAAS Kottan kot dandaut and shukrana. It is all your Mahima and Kirpa