Roop na raykh na rang kichh tarihu gun tay prabh bhinn.
Tiseh bujhaa-ay naankaa jis hovai suparsan. 1.
Dhan Dhan are all SatGuru Sahibaans.
Dhan Dhan are all Sants.
Dhan Dhan are all Bhagats.
Dhan Dhan are all Sant Maha Purakhs.
Dhan Dhan are Braham Gyanis.
These divine souls may come from any place in the world. They may have come from any community around the globe, be it Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Sikh or any other known or unknown community around the world. But actually, these divine souls did not and still do not belong to these communities. They were and still are beyond all of these manmade divisions of the human race. They were and they still are and they will continue to be here for the service of humanity as a whole. These divine souls were, are and will continue to be beyond the, “Jaat paat key bandhan.” They belong to the entire human race. The entire creation is their family. Kot Brahmand – countless worlds, are their house. They are Ik Drisht, of single vision and they belong to all equally.
These divine souls have dedicated all of their lives in the Seva of Dhan Dhan, Agam, Agochar, Anant, Beant, Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. Whilst doing this Agami Seva – service which is beyond description, whatever they have physically experienced in their lives they have written in the Agami Scriptures in the form of GurBani and their Agami discourses, some of which are available outside of GurBani.
Sukhmani Bani is such a wonderful and incredibly rewarding piece of divine wisdom which has been very kindly given to us by Dhan Dhan Pancham SatGur Arjun Dev Ji Maharaj. He is the one and only one who achieved the divine Shaheedi (martyrdom) that is unmatched in the history of mankind. He did so for the sake of serving the Eternal Truth – Ik Oankaar Sat Naam SatGurParsaad – Dhan Dhan, Agam, Agochar, Anant, Beant, Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji’s Hukam.
Every Shabad of GurBani is a Hukam and the highest Hukam is Naam, “Eko naam hukam hai.” If we look closely we discover that every Shabad takes us to Naam, the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva. The ones who go through their Puran Bandgi, means whose Bandgi is accepted by Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji, reach the heights in spirituality. They are blessed by Akal Purakh to deliver the GurParsaad to the masses and that is what SatGur Sahibans have done for all of us. This is the GurParsaad and we need to serve this GurParsaad with complete surrender to the Guru with Tunn, Munn and Dhann, because this is the only way to go through the Puran Bandgi process. So understanding this process of Puran Bandgi and the GurParsaad is the key to success.
When Dhan Dhan SatGur Patshah Ji Nanak Dev Ji disappeared for three days in the waters of the river in Sultanpur Lodhi, it is truthfully believed that Dhan Dhan SatGur Patshah Ji was with Akal Purakh in His Dargah. He was blessed with the GurParsaad of Mool Manter, “Ik Oankaar Sat Naam Karta Purakh Nirbhao Nirvair Akal Murat Ajuni Saibhun(g).” Based on the descriptions given in Guru Nanak Parkash Granth, which is a collection of all of the original dialogues and Janam Sakhis of Dhan Dhan, Nirankaar Roop, Param Jyot, Puran Parkash, SatGur Nanak Dev Patshah Ji Maharaj, it is also believed that Dhan Dhan, Paar Braham Pita, Akal Purakh Ji, Sabh Rajan Key Raja, Gareeb Nivaj directed Guru Patshah Ji to deliver this GurParsaad of Mool Manter and Sat Naam to the masses for relieving them from the pains and sorrows and to save them from reincarnating through death and birth forever.
The divine meaning of Dhan Dhan Shabad “Oankaar” is the Formless. Which means:-
· He has no dimensions,
· He cannot be measured,
· He cannot be assessed,
· He is beyond any physical measurements.
This means that Oankaar is the One who is Formless and hence Infinite. This is how He is Omnipresent – Sarav Viapak. Everything that is finite and is visible with the naked human eye is Maya. The One who is formless is infinite and is not ruled by Maya. So the Formless, Infinite One is beyond Maya. Being beyond Maya means He is not defined by the Three Aspects of Maya – “Trihu Gun.”
The Divine Truth is that He is the Creator of everything including Maya. By being the Creator of Maya, Maya is His slave and serves Him. The ones who merge in Him are also served by Maya because they go beyond Maya as well. In order to meet and become one with the One who is infinite and beyond Maya, we all have to go beyond Maya too. This is where the GurParsaad of Puran Bandgi process comes into play, as this is the only way to go beyond Maya. This means that there is Maya between us and Akal Purakh Ji which is preventing us going and meeting Him. Obviously, we will have to win over Maya to go beyond Maya and meet Him.
To win over Maya obviously we have to fight with Maya. Fighting with Maya is the GurParsaad of Puran Bandgi. This GurParsaad is contained in the souls who have already gone beyond Maya. The ones who have already been through this fight with Maya and have won over Maya are called by any of the following synonyms:- Puran Sant, Puran Braham Gyani, SatGur, Puran Khalsa, Bhagat and so on.
All of these souls are also served by Maya, as Maya becomes their slave as well. This fight begins with the achievement of the GurParsaad because this is a mandatory divine law that this war with Maya cannot be won without the GurParsaad. Like in order to win any war it is very important and mandatory to know everything in detail about our enemy. In the same way to win this war against Maya it is very important to know and understand what this Maya is and how it operates. This divine understanding of Maya is also GurParsaad and comes with the Sat Sangat of these victorious souls. The ones who are fortunate and have accumulated enough Sat Karams from their previous lives are blessed with this GurParsaad of the Sat Sangat of these victorious souls. These fortunate ones are blessed with this divine wisdom to go to the Charan Sharan of these victorious souls.
Abhinaasee prabh man meh raakh.
Maanukh kee too pareet ti-aag.
Is tay parai naahee kichh ko-ay.
Sarabh nirantar ayko so-ay.
Aapay beenaa aapay daanaa.
Gahir gambheer gaheer sujaanaa.
Paar Braham parmaysur gobind.
Kirpa nidhaan da-i-aal bakhsand.
Sadh tayray kee charnee paa-o.
Nanak kai man ih anraa-o. 1.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Arjun Dev Ji is very kindly telling us that detachment is the key to spiritual success. Attachment causes fear in us of losing our worldly comforts, possessions, relationships and anything that physically belongs to us in the world. But, we have to realize that our attachment is to things that are going to perish one day, the things which we can lose any time in our lifetime.
Please always and forever keep in mind that whatever has been created in time and space will come to an end one day. Such things which are constantly changing and slowly moving towards meeting their end can and do slip away from us at any point in time and space. Attachment is the false feeling that things belong to us along with the fear of losing them. This attachment is called Moh in GurBani. Moh is part of the Tamo aspect of Maya and is one of the Panj Doots.
There is only one thing that is really divine, non-perishable and lives forever and that is the soul. This soul is responsible for running our body. Remember that we are not the body, but we are the soul and the soul is Abinaasee. This means it is not prone to change. It never changes. It remains the same and never dies. Only the physical body dies when the soul leaves the body, the soul doesn’t die.
Realize that everything we are attached to is actually just attached to our physical body. When there is no body left then how is this attachment going to last? The element that prevails is the soul. The soul is a part of the Infinite and Formless Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji.
This soul is the life element that keeps the body running until the time comes when this body meets its end. The soul is the Infinite Divine Power that makes everything happen and not the physical body. The body just operates under the Hukam of this Infinite Divine Power. So attachment to the Infinite Divine Power prevails and the attachment to the worldly possessions, comforts and relations is false and doesn’t prevail. Realization of this Divine Truth is the key to spiritual success. Therefore, living for worldly possessions, comforts and relationships is false and untruthful, but living for the Infinite Divine Power – soul is the truthful deed. This bears unimaginable eternal happiness and super divine powers in our life when we realize this Eternal Truth. Therefore, the real divine purpose of this human life is to live for the infinite super divine power and not attachment to the falseness of the worldly comforts, possessions and relationships.
Loving our own soul is loving this infinite super divine power, which is omnipresent – Sarabh Nirantar. This means He is everywhere. There is no place without Him. His divine power prevails everywhere. He is the Creator and Operator of everything in which all of the super divine infinite powers are contained. Loving Him is the truthful act of the highest order.
When the soul leaves the body, the body meets its end. But, whatever has been performed by the body under the illusion of Maya, which we call as our Karni or Karams, bad or good, are all carried along the with the soul to the next life. The soul continues to carry the weight of all of these deeds – Karams, until complete realization of the Eternal Truth after going beyond Maya, or winning this war against Maya. This is called Jivan Mukti, which is nothing but Mukti from Maya. Therefore, becoming weightless is the key to the Dargah and detachment or becoming fearless paves the way to weightlessness.
When we pay off all of our Karams that is the point where we become weightless and so win over Maya and become Jivan Mukt. Another very important point to understand here is that after we merge in the Infinite then what happens? Then everything belongs to us, because everything belongs to the Creator and the Creator becomes ours. We become one with the Creator so by virtue of that happening the entire creation becomes ours. Entire humanity becomes our family. Everything belongs to us. This is what is called the highest stage of love – the unconditional love, single vision – Ik Drisht. So don’t we think that this is the best deal we can ever strike? Detachment brings everything at our disposal with the super Infinite Divine Power.
When some people go into Bandgi after achieving the GurParsaad, they have a perception that they will have to leave their families and everything else in their possession. Under this illusion in their mind they leave the GurParsaad aside and go back to their normal life. This happens due to attachment. But, look at the bigger divine picture. Is it a bad deal to achieve detachment and be blessed with the entire creation as our family? However, for proving our self through the process of Puran Bandgi we do have to go through some tests of Maya. Sometimes these tests are very severe and shake us so much that we cannot bear the pain. But, those who keep enhancing their devotion and trust eventually win over Maya. Whereas the ones whose trust and devotion is shaken leave in between and go back to their same old life.
Puran Bandgi is the war against Maya and in this war just as in any other war, we will see some real serious attacks by Maya. But, GurParsaad is the weapon we have and if we remain devoted to the GurParsaad with trust and faith then Maya will not be able to damage us. We come out of this war as a winner. It is our trust, faith, devotion and unconditional love i.e. love without any worldly demands, that makes us the winner of this war. The rewards to the winner of this war are beyond description – achievement of all eternal treasures.
Maya runs our mind, or we can say our mind is controlled by Maya. But, if the mind is replaced by the GurParsaad of Sat Naam, or in other words, when Sat Naam goes into our mind, then we start this journey to fight with Maya. This GurParsaad of Sat Naam in our mind takes us through this war and makes us a winner.
When Sat Naam goes into our mind, then the mind is controlled by the Param Jyot Puran Parkash. When this happens then all of our actions and deeds become truthful. That is why everywhere in GurBani it has been repeatedly said to bring Naam into the mind and then Naam in Hirda is the highest stage of Simran. When Naam goes into our Hirda then the Hirda gets enlightened with Param Jyot Puran Parkash and eventually goes into Puran Sachyari Rehat. This is the point when we meet with God and merge in His Nirgun Saroop. Our Hirda is filled with all of the divine qualities, divine infinite powers.
The GurParsaad is the key to the Dargah and the source of the GurParsaad is the one who has reached that stage of Puran Braham Gyan – Puran Tat Gyan – Param Jyot Puran Parkash – Pargateyo Jyot. And as described earlier such souls are called – Sadh, Sant, Bhagat, SatGur, Braham Gyani or Khalsa. We can achieve the GurParsaad by going into the Charan Sharan of such a soul and start our journey to Sach Khand. Start waging our war against Maya under the Chattar of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani.
Those who surrender completely with Tunn, Munn and Dhann to such souls and believe and do what they are told to do with full innocence make it through very easily and fast. That means they win the war against Maya very easily and fast. There is no effect of Maya under the Chattar of such a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, so those who completely surrender themselves to these souls Maya cannot really do any damage to them. But, the ones who don’t completely surrender are trapped in their own wisdom and so see some real severe tests of Maya and don’t make it through and lose this war against Maya.
Therefore, the key to success is complete surrender to the Sant who gives us the GurParsaad. He is our Guru so give our Tunn, Munn and Dhann to Him. Just follow His words and reap the rewards of becoming weightless and fearless and winning over Maya.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Patshah Ji is further explaining some of the other divine qualities of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji such as:-
· Gahir – unfathomable.
· Gambheer – profoundness; cannot be measured, it is infinite.
· Gaheer – deep; that which is present in its every creation. Being so is infinite as the creation itself is infinite.
· Sujaanaa – knows everything. A normal human brain is supposed to be only 6-8% functional so imagine if it becomes 100% functional! Akal Purakh’s wisdom is beyond measurement as its creation is infinite, so is His wisdom.
· Kirpa Nidhaan – treasure of divinity. Kirpa is the super divine power that makes everything happen. Nidhaan is the treasure which is infinite. He is infinite so His treasure is infinite too. Kirpa cannot be measured so it is infinite and Kirpa is the treasure, so Kirpa is infinite treasure.
· Dayal is kind. Kindness cannot be measured so it is infinite. Compassion cannot be quantified.
· Bakshand – forgiveness cannot be quantified either. So He is infinite and so are His divine qualities.
· Beena – the Maker; the Creator. His creation is infinite.
· Deena Palan Hara – the one who takes care of His creation. How He takes care of His creation also cannot be quantified or measured, so everything that is connected to Him is infinite.
Therefore, GurParsaad is the key to conquer Maya and the GurParsaad is given by the one who has been blessed to give it to the masses and that is a Sadh, a Sant, SatGur, Braham Gyani, Khalsa – basically the one who has united with God.
Mansaa puran sarnaa jog.
Jo kar paa-i-aa so-ee hog.
Haran bharan jaa ka naytar for.
Tis ka manter na jaanai hor.
Anad roop mangal sad jaa kai.
Sarabh thok sunee-ah ghar taa kai.
Raaj meh raaj jog meh jogee.
Tap meh tapeesar garihsat meh bhogee.
Dhi-aa-ay dhi-aa-ay bhagtah sukh paa-i-aa.
Nanak tis purakh ka kinai ant na paa-i-aa. 2.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Arjun Dev Ji has used the name of Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Nanak Dev Ji Maharaj in every Pauri of every Astpadi. Look at His humbleness, He has recited the Sukhmani Bani Himself, but given the praise, the Wadyaaee, to Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Ji Maharaj. Please keep in mind that since this is Dhur Ki Bani, meaning that it has come from Akal Purakh, it means that wherever Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Patshah Ji’s name comes, it is Akal Purakh addressing Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Patshah Ji.
SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji has in this way given the Wadyaaee to both Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Ji and Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Parmeshwar Ji. And that is the lesson we should learn from this divine quality of SatGur Sahib Ji Maharaj. Always giving the Wadyaaee to the Gur and Guru. If anything good happens it is the Wadyaaee of the Gur and Guru and if anything bad happens it is not Gur or Guru’s fault, it is our fault, so take the fault on our own self. This is a great divine quality, and believe us, by doing so we delete the effect of the wrong doing and there remains the effect only of the good doing. This is an extremely truthful behavior that we should all adopt.
There is no limit to the Wadyaaee of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. There is no end to His divine qualities. When we dedicate everything at His Charans and completely surrender to Him and go deep into His Bandgi, then a stage comes when our inside is purified so much that whatever we desire (provided the desire is truthful and for the betterment of others) will come true.
In His Charan Sharan there is Jog. Jog means union with God. In other words, when we give up everything to Him, then He takes good care of us. In fact, a stage comes when all of our desires vanish and then He will continue to give us an excellent life and everything we need. Everything happens according to the divine law of His Hukam and our Karni. Our destiny is carved based on our Karni according to the mandatory law of the Karma. So whatever we sow so shall we reap. If we sow truthful deeds then our future will obviously be bright and shining. And in the same way if we sow untruthful deeds then our future will be full of sorrows and pains. Whenever sorrows and pains come in life that means that we must have done something real stupid at some point of time in space, that is why we have to see hardships, pains and sorrows.
His super divine powers cannot be challenged. He can do anything in the twinkling of an eye. Nobody has been able to judge His divine powers so far and nobody means absolutely nobody. Nobody has been able to know Him completely, that is why He is Formless – Infinite. We can expect anything or any change of any unimaginable proportions to happen at any point of time in space. Only He knows what He is capable of doing. Only He knows what is behind His Infinite Divine Powers. Leaving everything up to Him is the key to the success. That is what the Bhagats have done in all past Ages and they are doing so continuously at the present time and will continue to do so in all Ages to come. By doing so we can really merge in Him and become One with Him and go into a state of ecstasy and eternal bliss forever and we really do mean forever – for all Ages to come.
This blissful and stable stage is the highest stage of Bandgi – which is called Atal Awastha or Sehaj Awastha – continuous Samadhi, never ending Samadhi. This is when we get filled up with Amrit – Rom Rom Naam Simran, Panch Shabad Anhad Naad continuously, non-stop round the clock. This is also called Param Padvi and Jivan Mukti or Param Jyot Puran Parkash, or Puran Braham Gyan – Atam Ras Amrit or Pargateyo Jyot. This is also called Anand Saroop or Sat Chit Anand Awastha. This is the reason why God is called Anand Saroop as well. This is the highest level of the eternal never ending happiness.
Jog means union with God, to become one with God and when that happens then we become a Jogi. So when we become a Jogi then we are blessed with all of the eternal treasures. We also become a winner of Maya. Then Maya serves us. So Maya runs the world and at the same time Maya serves us.
It is the Divine Truth that when we go to this high level of spiritual achievement then we are blessed with the Raj of Chaudha Lok Parlok. Therefore, this is the highest kingdom. Dhan Dhan SatGur Patshah Ji is telling us that the Raj Jog, means united with God and at the same time enjoying all of the worldly comforts without being attached to them internally and to use all of the divine powers and eternal treasures for the betterment of mankind. This is true for an ordinary family person too. Unite with God, become one with Akal Purakh Ji and at the same time live you life on Earth without attachment to any anything that is false and unreal as that will die in time and space.
Tap is Bandgi, and the one who does Bandgi is a Tapeesar. Tap is fighting with Maya, fighting with Panj Doots and desires. So a Tapeesar is the one who is fighting with Maya and eventually wins, but what exactly wins? Who really wins? It is the divine infinite power in the Tapeesar that wins and defeats Maya. This is also true for a Girahst, meaning the one who is a family person. Basically, all three – Jogi, Tapeesar and Girahst are engaged in the fight against Maya and emerge as winners overs Maya. They go beyond the three aspects of Maya and merge with Akal Purakh.
Please be sure that when we look at any Shabad or Salok of GurBani, that we look at it with the divine eye. Then we will find that every Shabad will take us to the ultimate – Mansarovar – Gur Sagar – Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. The divine eye is also called the third eye, or the Gyan Netter and it opens when Naam goes and Sat Sarovars present in our body are enlightened with Sat Naam. This is a GurParsaad of a very high order and is given to those who are blessed with the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai. When such souls, while collecting Naam Dhann, go into Samadhi and Sunn Samadhi then Naam travels to all of the Sat Sarovars. This GurParsaad is achieved by those who completely surrender themselves to their Guru with Tunn, Munn and Dhann and follow His words as Sat Bachan.
Many people believe that to reach such a level in Bandgi they will have to give up a lot of things. This is an absolutely wrong understanding and is an illusion of a very high order. There is nothing like that. All we have to do is achieve the GurParsaad and to completely surrender to our Guru with Tunn, Munn and Dhann. Giving Dasvandh of time and earnings is the surrender to the Guru. Guru is very kind and He will pay for the remaining 90% of our share from His pocket. And just watch our daily Karni that we don’t do anything stupid, especially avoiding any Asat Karams, just focus on Sat Karams. Just follow the Guru’s words and then we can make it very easily. Two and half hours of Naam Simran and giving one tenth of our take home earnings to the Guru and focus on Sat Karams. That is all we need to do to realize these unimaginable benefits of Naam Simran. We promise the Guru will take good care of you when you do this. Your devotion, trust and unconditional love for the Guru will make you a winner.
Jaa kee leelaa kee mit naahi.
Sagal dayv haaray avgaahi.
Pitaa ka janam ke jaanai poot.
Sagal paro-ee apunai soot.
Sumat gi-aan dhi-aan jin day-ay.
Jan daas naam dhi-aavahi say-ay.
Tihu gun meh jaa ka-o bharmaa-ay.
Janam marai fir aavai jaa-ay.
Ooch neech tis kay asthaan.
Jaisaa janaavai taisaa nanak jaan. 3.
The entire universe is His Khel – a divine game that He plays. There is only one rule in His game that prevails and that rule is the Truthfulness. Truthfulness wins and falsehood or untruthfulness loses. Truthfulness is the key to our spiritual success. We need to have so much truthfulness that whatever we perform reflects truthfulness. Seeing the Truth, speaking the Truth, hearing the Truth, serving the Truth and delivering the Truth through all of our actions, reactions and deeds in our daily life provide us with truthful living. This is basically the Sato aspect of Maya.
Living in the Sat aspect of Maya is the real divine way of living. When we do so, our present will be great. This then makes our future the greatest. Truth is what remains and prevails, never changes, is not prone to any changes, was the same from the beginning, is the same now and will remain the same for all ages to come. Therefore, God has given Himself Truth as His Name – Sat Naam, as explained in GurBani.
The highest service of the Truth is to focus on Sat Naam Simran and to give up everything to Sat Naam. This means to dedicate our self 100% to Sat Naam. This eventually makes us Sat Roop when we become a completely truthful person from inside and out and Truth goes into our every cell of the body. Our Suksham Dehi becomes 100% pure like 24 carat gold – Kanchan Dehi as described in GurBani. By virtue of becoming a Kanchan Dehi, our Suksham Dehi becomes a source of Amrit for others and we are blessed with the highest order of the divine wisdom – Tat Gyan. This is called Sumat – Sat Naam is the Sumat. Focusing on Sat Naam Simran is the Sumat and giving up everything to the Gur and Guru is the Dhyaan or Dhyanaa. To drench Rom Rom in the Sat is the Dhyaan or Dhyanaa and Sat is the highest Sumat.
As explained earlier, the Trihu Gun Maya – three aspects of Maya, are keeping the entire world away from Truth. Only the ones who become one with Sat are not involved in Maya. Otherwise everybody is drenched in the scum of the Rajo and Tamo aspects of Maya. The ones who go beyond the three aspects of Maya are called the Junn in GurBani. So becoming a Junn is a very high spiritual stage. They have merged in the Nirgun Saroop of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. The ones who remain drenched in the scum of Maya remain in the cycle of birth and death for an indefinite period of time. Only the ones who focus on the Sato aspect make their way to the GurParsaad.
Only the Creator knows how and why He created the creation. There is no way the creation can know what is the origin of the Creator. The creation can only know and that too with the GurParsaad of the Creator about its origin. The origin of every creation is the Creator. So we are all His creation and how can we know about the creation of the Creator? How can we know how and when the Creator was created and by whom? But, this thing has been shown by Dhan Dhan Guru Sahibans in GurBani that the Creator created Himself and gave His Naam to Himself.
Look at His unbelievable super divine power with which He could create Himself. It is so surprising with the limited knowledge of the human beings to understand how one can create oneself in the worldly senses. But, it has been very clearly described in the Asa Di Vaar Bani that the Creator created Himself and gave His Naam to Himself, “Aap he ney aap saajeyo aap hi ney rachyeo nao. Duee kudrat saajey kar asan ditho chaao.” Therefore, it is beyond our comprehension. It is even beyond the comprehension of all of the Sants, Bhagats, Braham Gyanis, Guru Avatars, SatGurus and Khalsas to find out the origin of the Originator or how the Creator was created. So when the beginning of His Khel is so Bismaad Janak – meaning so full of surprise, then how can we know and fully understand His Khel? This is therefore beyond human comprehension to know Him in His entirety.
It is not that people or Devi-Devtas have not attempted to comprehend God fully, they have tried but failed miserably. It is truthfully believed and explained in GurBani as well, that once Lord Brahma – who rides on a lotus flower, wanted to know about the origin of the Originator. When He tried to do so He was pulled into the stem of the lotus flower He was riding on and got trapped there for an indefinite period of time until He realized that He had done something really stupid. It is therefore stupid to think about trying to comprehend him fully.
Everything runs under His Hukam. His will prevails and His will is the truthfulness – Sat Naam, the Sumat which will transform us to a Junn. Only His divine laws govern His Kingdom of the entire universe. Pains and sorrows, happiness and difficulties, good and bad events – absolutely everything follows His divine laws. His divine laws are called Hukam in GurBani. There is only one way we can understand and recognize the Hukam and that is by His own will or His grace, which can happen only by focusing on truthfulness – Sat, and Sat Naam is the Sumat.
Naanaa roop naanaa jaa kay rang.
Naanaa bhaykh karahi ik rang.
Naanaa bidh keeno bisthaar.
Prabh abhinaasee aykankaar.
Naanaa chalit karay khin maahi.
Poor rahi-o puran sabh thaa-ay.
Naanaa bidh kar banat banaa-ee.
Apnee keemat aapay paa-ee.
Sabh ghat tis kay sabh tis kay thaa-o.
Jap jap jeevai nanak har naa-o. 4.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly telling us that the creation of the Creator is also infinite like Him and that we can realize the Creator only by focusing on the Naam of the Creator. Only the Creator prevails and therefore, the ones who become one with Him will prevail with Him. The Eternal Truth prevails. The Creator is the Eternal Truth and the ones who merge in this Truth will prevail. Everything else is unreal and false in the sense that it doesn’t prevail. Therefore, focusing on this aspect of the Creator is the real divine way to live our current life.
The entire creation is also infinite like the Creator Himself, so trying to fully comprehend the creation is not the right thing to do either. However, focusing on the Creator Himself is the right thing to do. Focusing on the Creator means focusing on His Naam – Sat Naam. Focusing on Sat Naam will carve our path to become Sat Roop and merge in Akal Purakh and once that happens we are blessed with the divine wisdom – the highest Amrit Puran Braham Gyan – Atam Ras Amrit. But, our Bandgi should be desire free, don’t ask for anything, just drench our self in His unconditional love, trust and devotion – Sachee Shardha, Sachee Preet and this will take you to unimaginable spiritual heights and only He knows what is He going to give us. Whatever happens will just be incredibly rewarding, that is for sure.
Due to His Infinite nature, His everything is infinite and so is His Naam – Sat Naam. There is no price that can define His Naam, this is a priceless jewel, which when carved into our Hirda makes it a Sant Hirda, a Beant Hirda – infinite Hirda. He will not appear in our Hirda unless it becomes infinite, because He is infinite and needs an infinite place to reside. Therefore, a Sant Hirda is an infinite – Beant Hirda, the one which comes under the complete internal compliance of Maya and Atam Ras Amrit – which we call as Puran Sachyari Rehat.
Infinite is the One and this One is Formless and only this Formless One prevails. This Infinite One cannot be seen with the human eye that is why He is called Agam and Agochar. That means He cannot be felt or seen by a human’s five senses. As explained earlier, a super divine sense is required to see Him and this super divine sense comes with the opening of the divine eye. God is:-
· Formless,
· Infinite,
· Omnipresent,
· beyond the three aspects of Maya,
· Anand Saroop,
· Sat Saroop – Nirgun Saroop,
· Param Jyot Puran Parkash, and
· Abinaasee – the one who prevails.
There are such unimaginable qualities of God that He cannot be described in any way. That is why God is called Gunni Nidhaan – meaning the treasure of the divine qualities. He and His creation are beyond the comprehension of a human being. Focusing on His creation is not rewarding, but focusing on the Creator is unbelievably rewarding. Focusing on Creator means focusing on His Naam – Sat Naam, which is a priceless jewel. Only He knows the price of His Naam, which when carved into our Hirda will make it a infinite Hirda and pave a way for you to Sach Khand.
Naam kay dhaaray saglay jant.
Naam kay dhaaray khand barahmand.
Naam kay dhaaray simrit bayd puraan.
Naam kay dhaaray sunan gi-aan dhi-aan.
Naam kay dhaaray aagaas paataal.
Naam kay dhaaray sagal aakaar.
Naam kay dhaaray puree-aa sabh bhavan.
Naam kai sang udhray sun sarvan.
Kar kirpa jis aapnai naam laa-ay.
Nanak cha-uthay pad meh so junn Gat paa-ay. 5.
Look at this great piece of divine wisdom, it is incredible, it is so profound, amazing and full of surprise, Bismaad Janak. Dhan Dhan SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji is telling us further about the Mahima of the Naam of Akal Purakh, which has already been defined as infinite.
The foundation of every creation is Naam. The basis of every creation is Naam. Every creation has emanated from Naam. The Origin of every creation is Naam. All of the life bearing creatures are created from Naam. All of the planets, sun, stars and everything that is in the Khand Brahmand – means everything in the universe has originated from Naam. The foundation of all of the religious books – Simritees, Ved, Puraan (these are the religious books written by ancient Yogis, Rishis and Munis) is Naam. Everything in Lok Parlok has emanated from Naam. The basic foundation of everything in Lok Parlok is Naam. No wonder, only Naam can take us to Akal Purakh. The entire divine wisdom has also sprouted from Naam.
In those individuals who dedicate themselves to Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva, a stage in their Bandgi comes when all of the Sat Sarovars are illuminated with Naam. God has placed all of the eternal treasures in our soul itself. The Sat Sarovars which are integral parts of our soul are the sources of all kinds of eternal treasures and divine powers. When these Sat Sarovars are illuminated and our Kundalini is awakened then we are blessed with Rom Rom Naam Simran, opening of all of the Bajjar Kapaats, direct connection with the Nirgun Saroop through the Dassam Duaar, illumination of the Hirda with Param Jyot Puran Parkash.
Some of the Sat Sarovars contain the super divine power of the Braham Gyan and when the Sat Sarovars are illuminated with Naam then we are blessed with Puran Braham Gyan, Puran Tat Gyan. This is the highest level of divine wisdom and doesn’t come by reading or reciting GurBani. It doesn’t come by reading any amount of books or studying any number of writings. This will not come in even by reading these writings either. It will only and only come when our Sat Sarovars are illuminated by Naam. Therefore, the GurParsaad of Puran Braham Gyan – Puran Tat Gyan also comes from Naam to the ones who go into the Puran Dhyaan. This means the ones who achieve the GurParsaad and then completely surrender themselves to the Gur and Guru with Tunn, Munn and Dhann with full trust, devotion and love. Therefore, divine wisdom comes from Naam by going into Dhyaan – which means going into Samadhi and Sunn Samadhi in the early stages of Bandgi followed by the highest stage of Sehaj Samadhi – which is a 24 hours non-stop continuous Samadhi.
It is the same with the Panch Shabad Anhad Naad – which is a continuous divine music heard in the Dassam Duaar continuously, it also comes from Naam. This divine music is a GurParsaad of a very high order and is blessed as soon as our Dassam Duaar opens. This divine music is the Akhand Kirtan, non-stop, continuous day and night and forever. Naam is GurParsaad and is available only to those who have gone beyond Maya or have defeated Maya and merged with God. Such souls are called a Puran Sant, a SatGur, a Puran Braham Gyani or a Puran Khalsa.
The one who lives under the influence of the three aspects of Maya remains under its influence. Whereas the ones who are fortunate and are blessed with the GurParsaad and go through the Puran Bandgi process go beyond Maya. This stage of going beyond Maya’s three aspects is called the Chauthaa Pad. When we defeat Maya then we go into the Chauthaa Pad, where we are blessed with Jivan Mukti – Param Padvi. The bottom line is that Naam takes us from Maya to Chauthaa Pad, which is Jivan Mukti. Therefore, Naam has Infinite Divine Power. The ones who are blessed with Naam should not take it lightly. This is a divine gift, the GurParsaad of infinite value and will take them to the Chauthaa Pad. For those who have not been blessed with Naam, start to focus on Sat Naam Simran and on doing Sat Karams and they too will for sure, one day, be blessed with the GurParsaad.
Roop sat jaa ka sat asthaan.
Purakh sat kayval pardhaan.
Kartoot sat sat jaa kee banee.
Sat purakh sabh maahi samaanee.
Sat karam jaa kee rachnaa sat.
Mool sat sat utpat.
Sat karnee nirmal nirmalee.
Jisahi bujhaa-ay tiseh sabh bhalee.
Sat naam prabh ka sukh-daa-ee.
Bisvaas sat nanak gur tay paa-ee. 6.
This is one of the most interesting parts of the Sukhmani Bani and presents a divine wisdom of the highest order. Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji has placed these kind of deepest and most priceless jewels of Puran Braham Gyan at various places in GurBani, which are read by millions every day, but are ignored at the same time. Their non-practice of these priceless jewels is a proof of their ignorance or their ability to keep sticking with the prevailing religious practices. This is the reason for them not achieving any spiritual progress. The irony is that they think that just by reading GurBani they have done their duty. They don’t really pay any attention to what they have been reading and what GurBani is telling them to do. It is important to mention this because by reading this there may be people who will break their routine and bring a change to their way of looking at GurBani.
Look at this incredible piece of divine wisdom where SatGuru Ji is telling us the Mahima of the Shabad Sat. Those who understand this divine wisdom and put into practise will make their lives worthy of living and will meet the objective of this human life.
The Mahima Of The Shabad Sat
Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji Nanak Dev Ji said the Mool Manter as the first Salok of GurBani. Mool Manter starts with “Ik Oankaar Sat Naam.” The Shabad Sat is the key Shabad of the Mool Manter and describes the state and the basis, the foundation on which Braham created Himself. In fact, Braham is holding Himself in His Atal Awastha, in His Nirgun Saroop on this foundation and this foundation is the ONE AND ONLY ETERNAL TRUTH. This foundation is defined by the Shabad Sat.
The Shabad Sat means that Ik Oankaar is the Eternal Truth and that is His Naam. That means that Sat is His Naam. Sat is the Naam of Ik Oankaar – the Nirgun Saroop of Braham. This is the Param Jyot Saroop of Braham. This is the Param Jyot Puran Parkash Saroop of Braham. This is what is beyond the three qualities of Maya. This is what is Agam Agochar – which cannot be seen or experienced or felt with the five senses and can only be experienced or felt by the divine sense which is called Dib Drisht. This part of the Braham which is Sat – Eternal Truth, is Anant, Apaar, Beant, Aprampar and Sarabh Kala Bharpoor.
The Shabad Sat describes the Amrit. Sat is the one which never dies as it prevails forever. It has prevailed from its beginning, is prevailing now and will continue to prevail for all Ages to come, “Aad Sach Jugaad Sach. Hai Bhi Sach Nanak Hosi Bhi Sach.” Even if we take the literal meaning of the word Sat which means Truth, the Truth always wins as the lie cannot stand before the Truth. Ultimately only the Truth prevails, the lie dies, the lie never wins. Everything operating under the influence of the three qualities of Maya is perishable, is non-Truth and is revolving in the cycle of life and death.
The only Primal Eternal Truth is the Almighty Himself and His very existence has emanated from Sat. He has been standing from the beginning, is currently standing and will remain standing forever on the foundation of this Primal Eternal Truth – Sat. He is the one who is Ajuni – never dies, beyond the cycle of time and space, beyond the cycle of birth and death.
He is Karta Purakh – the unlimited and unique spiritual power who has created the entire universe and is running it. He is Saibhun(g) – the One who is self created and self supported on the foundation of Sat. He is Nirvair – the One who is beyond any animosity and who loves each and every creation of His so much that He has kept a little portion of Himself in each and every creation of His. This makes Him omnipresent as He is in each of us. He is the only Doer and is the unlimited spiritual power – the Sarabh Klaa Bharpoor. This means He is the owner of all kinds of unlimited powers, capable of doing anything beyond the imagination of a human mind, beyond the five senses of a human being. The foundation of all this unlimited power is the Shabad Sat – The Eternal Truth and nothing else.
Sat is the Guru. The Guru is the one who takes away the darkness and enlightens us from inside about Divinity and divine wisdom. The Guru is the one we follow in our daily deeds and there is nothing bigger and better than having Sat as our Guru. Once we start to practice this divine Shabad in our life by doing Sat deeds then slowly but surely we start to become truthful and eventually we become completely truthful.
At this stage we merge in this Sat part of Braham and become one with Him. At this stage we see the Truth, we speak the Truth, we do the Truth, we deliver the Truth and above all by doing so, we serve the Truth and this is the highest service of the Almighty, this is the highest service to the Sat which is the Atam Ras Amrit – the highest Amrit, the Nirgun Saroop Param Jyot Puran Parkash.
The practice of Sat makes a soul merge in the Sat and the one who becomes one with Sat becomes a Braham Roop. By doing so it means that such a soul becomes a source of the Braham Gyan. Becomes a source of Sat, a source of Amrit for others and is therefore called a Braham Gyani.
Even in the Shabad SatGur or SatGuru, it means that Sat is the Guru. This means that the one who merges and becomes one with Sat, becomes a Guru. SatGuru is the soul who becomes capable of seeing the Eternal Truth, speaking the Eternal Truth, hearing the Eternal Truth, delivering the Eternal Truth and serving the Eternal Truth. Above all that soul becomes the Eternal Truth Himself by merging in Braham. Such a soul becomes a Guru because such a soul can enlighten us from inside and can give us Amrit, can remove our doubts and distractions, can lead us on the Bandgi Marg to Sach Khand and can eventually lead us to Jivan Mukti.
Let us consider GurBani for a brief discussion as well. The Shabad Sat is the Gurbani as well. Gurbani is the divine wisdom, its every word is nothing but the description of Sat and by this virtue the Gurbani itself is Sat. Gurbani itself says that we should become Gurbani which also means that we should become Sat. This means that we should become one with the Braham and nothing else.
The practicing of Gurbani will be practicing the Sat – practicing the Eternal Truth and this is Gurmat. By practicing Eternal Truth on a continuous basis we become Sat and that is what Gurbani tells us to become. In Gurbani it is the element of Sat, the element of Eternal Truth which makes Gurbani a Guru too. It is the Sat in Gurbani which makes it Nirankaar, which makes Gurbani a Saroop of Nirankaar.
Each and every Shabad is the Hukam. It is the Primal and Eternal Truth, it is therefore Sat, which is the highest Hukam of Akal Purakh Himself. To become Sat is the highest Hukam of Akal Purakh. It is the highest Mahima of Akal Purakh. It is the highest service of Akal Purakh.
The key is to follow the Sat with complete and full belief, with commitment and trust. By completely dedicating and surrendering our self to the Sat – the Primal Being – the Eternal Truth – the Amrit – the Braham, we become Sat too. Therefore, the Guru is the Sat, meaning that the Guru is the Braham Himself. Even in a Braham Gyani or a Sant or a Bhagat, it is the Sat part that is beyond the three qualities of Maya and is the Guru part. The Sat part is the divine part, the part of Divinity, the part of divine wisdom and the Param Jyot Puran Parkash (Pure Divine Light).
Nirankaar is Sat Roop when the Hirda He resides in becomes Sat. That Hirda comes into full internal compliance of winning Maya, the internal compliance of Atam Ras and goes into Puran Sachyari Rehat. Those who earn the Puran Sachyari Rehat of the Hirda are called Purakh Pardhaan. Param Padvi is the Purakh Pardhaan. Param Jyot Puran Parkash in Hirda is the Purakh Pardhaan. The one who goes beyond Maya is Purakh Pardhaan, a Puran Sant, SatGur, Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa. All of their Karni is Sat Ki Karni. The highest level of Sat Ki Karni is Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar – uniting people with Naam and helping them walk on this path to Eternity is their Karni and Seva, “Junn parupkaari aaye, jeea daan dey bhagti layan har siun leyn milaayen.” Their words are Puran Sat and the ones who follow their words merge in the Sat Purakh – Akal Purakh.
The origin is Sat and everything has originated from Sat. Sat Naam is the key to Sada Sukh, this means Sat Naam is the key to never ending eternal bliss – Sehaj Awastha, Atal Awastha – 24×7 Samadhi which is a GurParsaad and comes only with infinite trust in the Infinite with unconditional love and devotion.
Please keep on praying for the GurParsaad of Sat Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar. This is why we have been blessed with this human life, don’t let it go to waste serving Maya, start focusing on Sat Naam and pave your way to Jivan Mukti.
Sat bachan sadhu updays.
Sat tay junn jaa kai ridai parvays.
Sat nirat boojhai jay ko-ay.
Naam japat taa kee Gat ho-ay.
Aap sat kee-aa sabh sat.
Aapay jaanai apnee mit Gat.
Jis kee sarisat so karnaihaar.
Avar na boojh karat beechaar.
Kartay kee mit na jaanai kee-aa.
Nanak jo tis bhaavai so vartee-aa. 7.
SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji is very kindly giving us more divine wisdom regarding the Mahima of a Sadhu and His divine words. SatGuru Ji keeps on repeating the same divine wisdom throughout the entire GurBani. The divine reason behind it is to give us a chance to understand it again if we missed it the last time. SatGuru Patshah Ji’s patience has no limit, it is infinite, that is why He very kindly keeps on giving us chance after chance to make sure that we take any of these opportunities to carve these priceless jewels into our life.
Please take it for granted that the one who has merged in Sat and has become Sat will only say Sat and nothing but Sat. This is the Mahima of a Sadhu that whatever a Sadhu says is Sat. All His words are Sat so they come true. The important thing is to carve the Sadhu’s words into our Hirda and follow them in our daily life to benefit from them. The Sadhu is the one whose Hirda has gone into Puran Sachyari Rehat and has become Sat Roop. He has merged with Akal Purakh and has become one with Him. His words have been charged with the Infinite Divine Power of Sat and bring a change in our life if followed with trust, devotion and love.
The Sat Bachans of a Sadhu have Infinite Divine Power. When these words pierce through our Hirda they make us a Sat Junn. Sat Junn is an unbelievably high spiritual stage, it makes us Sat Roop. There are some people who go into the Sat Sangat of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani with so much devotion, love and trust that Naam goes into their mind right away. Such people are blessed with the GurParsaad right away. These kind of people who are so blessed right away are very innocent people. They don’t question at all and take for granted whatever they hear in such a Sat Sangat. They don’t have any of their self wisdom or worldly wisdom, illusions or delusions – no Bharams or Dubidha.
They just have infinite trust, love and devotion. The Shabad, “Sat nirat boojhai jay ko-ay,” describe such people. For such innocent people the Sant is a living God on Earth. They take the Sat Bachans of the Sadhu as the word coming out of the mouth of God directly. When that happens the Sat Bachans pierce their Hirda and then there is nothing that can stop their transformation. Sat goes into their Surat and Hirda right away and Dhan Dhan SatGur Patshah Ji has very kindly said these Sat Bachans for such people, “Sat tay junn jaa kai ridai parvays.” Such people become Sat Junn.
The Shabad Sat has given birth to the Shabad Satta, which means the super divine infinite power. This is what this super Infinite Divine Power does to such people who are so blessed with this GurParsaad. Such people go into Naam Simran, do Naam Ki Kamai, reach the Puran Bandgi stage and become Sat Roop themselves. This is the meaning of , “Naam japat taa kee gat ho-ay.” Such people achieve the Jivan Mukti.
As explained in the previous Pauri, Akal Purakh is Sat and whatever He does is Sat. The entire creation has originated from Sat. Sat is the super divine infinite power which is the only Doer – Karta Purakh. He is the Creator and there is no way for the creation – Kiaa to achieve complete divine wisdom about this infinite super divine power. He is infinite so how can we know about something which is infinite. Only the Karta – the Creator, knows about His own super divine infinite powers. He is the only Creator, the only Doer and everything happens according to His Hukam.
Bisman bisam bha-ay bismaad.
Jin boojhi-aa tis aa-i-aa savaad.s
Prabh kai rang raach junn rahay.
Gur kai bachan padaarath lahay.
O-ay daatay dukh kaatanhaar.
Jaa kai sang tarai sansaar.
Jan ka sayvak so vadbhaagee.
Jan kai sang ayk liv laagee.
Gun gobind keertan junn gaavai.
Guparsaad nanak fal paavai. 8.16.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji is continuing to give us the divine wisdom about the Mahima of a Junn. A Junn is:-
· Sat Roop,
· Param Padvi,
· Puran Sant,
· Puran Braham Gyani,
· Puran Khalsa,
· the Hirda containing Puran Jyot Parkash,
· a blessed soul with Rom Rom Naam Simran,
· a blessed soul whose Bajjar Kapaats are all open including the Dassam Duaar,
· blessed with Panch Shabad Anhad Naad divine music on a non-stop basis,
· the one who has defeated Maya and Maya serves Him,
· the one who is always and forever absorbed in praising Akal Purakh,
· the one whose entire body is full of Amrit and the Amrit is flowing out of His body,
· the one who is the custodian of the Amrit,
· the one who is absorbed completely in Akal Purakh,
· the one who is the Daata of the GurParsaad,
· the one who is the Daata of the Amrit,
· the one whose Sat Sangat we can realize all of our spiritual dreams,
· a living God on the Earth,
· the one in whose Sat Sangat people achieve Jivan Mukti and become like Him.
Look at this super divine power, that by going into the Sat Sangat of a Junn and following His words we will become a Junn. A Junn is the one who is blessed with the highest Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar – giving the GurParsaad and walking us through the GurParsaadi Khel in order for us to also achieve Jivan Mukti.
The one who surrenders to the Junn with Tunn, Munn and Dhann and with full trust, unconditional love and devotion goes into Samadhi. Some people who are blessed with the full trust, devotion and love for the Guru are very fortunate and they go instantaneously into Samadhi. Samadhi begins to happen to a soul in Karam Khand. Karam means GurParsaad and this GurParsaad takes such people into Samadhi right away. All previous Khands (Dharam, Gyan and Saram) are skipped for such souls who are so blessed with the GurParsaad.
When GurBani says Tunn, Munn and Dhann it means a mandatory divine law, to give up everything to the Guru. Such a Junn is the Guru and we can really benefit from His Sat Sangat. Those who get the Sat Sangat of a Junn are very fortunate. Going into the Sat Sangat of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani is achieved only due to our Karni from previous lives. The Sat Sangat of a Puran Sant is itself a GurParsaad.
However, there are many that go to the Sat Sangat of a Puran Sant but are are not benefitted spiritually that much. The reason for their non-progress on the spiritual front is that they go to the Sat Sangat with demands and they don’t surrender themselves with Tunn, Munn and Dhann. They don’t even regard the Junn as their Guru and remain involved more in the rituals and external compliance. The entire spiritual game is a GurParsaadi Khel and only the ones who are blessed with this GurParsaad really enjoy this most wondrous amazing Khel of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. When our Sat Sarovars are illuminated with Naam and when we are blessed with the Puran Braham Gyan, only then do we see and enjoy this wondrous play of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji.
Formless Infinite Akal Purakh is beyond the three aspects of Maya and going beyond Maya is a GurParsaad. Puran Sant Ki Sangat, Puran Braham Gyani Ki Sangat, SatGur Ki Sangat, Junn Ki Sangat is a GurParsaad that does wonders for our spiritual life. Complete surrender to such souls is the key to success.
Sat Naam is the Naam of Akal Purakh and focusing on Sat Naam Simran paves our way to Jivan Mukti. Jivan Mukti is nothing but Mukti from Maya, winning over Maya. Sat Shabad is an Infinite Divine Power. Sat is the Guru. Sat is the Naam and Nirgun Saroop of Akal Purakh. By focusing on Sat Naam we can become Sat Roop and realize our spiritual goals. This is a GurParsaad and a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGur, a Junn, a Puran Khalsa has this divine power to place this infinite priceless jewel in our mind and Hirda.
Sat Ki Karni is the highest level of Karni and for all of us this carves a path to Eternity. The entire creation has originated from Sat. Sat IS THE HIGHEST DIVINE INFINITE POWER WHICH IS BEYOND DESCRIPTION.