
Our Sat Karams help us build certain positiveness in and around us.  This is also referred to as a field of positive energy around us.  It is also called an aura.  It surrounds our body.  People will always like to talk to the person who has a very strong and pure aura.  When Bandgi of a person goes into Karam Khand and Sach Khand then this aura becomes very strong.  That is why the people who attain the stage of Puran Brahamgian have a very strong aura, or a very strong field of positive energy around them.  In all spiritual senses, this aura is the field of spiritual energy.  In all deeper divine spiritual senses this field of energy is called the Puran Parkash.  In all deeper divine spiritual senses this field of energy is called the Amrit.  In even more deeper divine senses this field of divine spiritual energy is called the Nirgun (the Nirgun in Sargun)  Saroop of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar.  That is why people sitting in the Sangat of such a Puran Brahamgiani enjoy this unique peace without any influence of Maya and this is how the benefit of the deep divine spirituals senses is transmitted to the seekers.