14. Who Is Sahib?

This head of the lowest bows at your feet.Sahib is a frequently used word in our daily life and religious circles.  For example in punjabi circles it is a title of respect for a person: Sardar sahib, Mem Sahib,  Major Sahib  … Read More

13. Who Is A Jivan Mukt ?

With the  infinite blessings of God and Sant Satguru Baba Ji  (who is eternally blessed to be so by God through a blessing from God’s court) this servant of the Guru’s sangat is sharing a glimpse of the Truth about … Read More

12. Khalsa

The word “Khalsa” has been hugely misunderstood by most Sikhs.  Please try to understand its real meaning.  It is the extremely high spiritual state (Atmik Awastha) of a person that makes him or her a Khalsa:   In whose heart … Read More

11. Sant And Jan

   My body belongs to the Saints, my wealth belongs to the Saints,and my mind belongs to the Saints. SGGS 610   Dear beloved ones of the Guru, with the infinite and unparalled blessings of  great Sant Satguru Baba Ji … Read More

10. A Word On Sada Suhagan And Suhagan

There is only one “Nar” (Husband)  or  “Pati Parmesar” (God The Husband) and all of us are the “Nari” soul-brides.  We all have been departed from Pati Parmesar, so we should be making efforts to go back to Pati Parmesar … Read More

6. Do I have a Guru?

This head of the lowest of the lowest bows at the feet of everyone.   GURMAT   Gurmat means to follow the Divine knowledge of the GURU. Before we explore if one has gurmat or not let us ask ourselves … Read More

4. What is a Brahm Giani ?

Let us make a very humble and sincere effort to understand what a Brahmgiani (God-conscious being) is. Here it is extremely important to mention that if we the Sangat are able to understand and believe what Gurbani says about a … Read More

3. The Shabad Guru and the Satguru

 The one who knows the True Lord God, is called the True Guru. SGGS 286   There is a lot of confusion and misunderstanding among the Sangat about the place and role of a Sant, Satguru, Sadh, and Brahmgiani in … Read More