Manter / Mantra
August 3, 2009 by satnaam
A Manter or Mantra in English, is a divine word or phrase to be repeated. Manter means that which will ferry us across (tra) the mind (man/munn) to the Dargah of Dhan-Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji. The three Manters … Read More
Mansik Rog
August 3, 2009 by satnaam
A serious mental sickness caused by indulgin in Panj doots and Nindya.
August 3, 2009 by satnaam
Akal Purakh is an unlimited sea, Mansarovar, of divine qualities and divine powers. This Mansarovar is the Origin from where our soul has been created. This Mansarovar is also called the Gur Sagar or the Nirgun Saroop of Paar Braham … Read More
Mala of Naam
August 3, 2009 by satnaam
When Naam Simran goes around each of the Sat Sarovars forming an internal Mala and leading into Smaadhi.