Saachaa saahib saach naa-ay bhaakhi-aa bhaa-o apaar.
Aakhahi mangahi dahi dahi daat karay daataar.
Fayr ke agai rakhee-ai jit disai darbaar.
Muhou ke bolan bolee-ai jit sun dharay pi-aar.
Amrit vaylaa sach naa-o vadi-aa-ee veechaar.
Karmee aavai kaprhaa nadree mokh du-aar.
Naanak ayvai jaanee-ai sabh aapay sachiaar. ||4||
Blessed Satguru (Truth Guru) incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji (Guru Nanak Ji), with infinite kindness benevolently offers to all humanity the complete divine knowledge about the glory of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar (True Transcendent Lord, Creator of the Universe). We have already described the grandeur of the words “Sat” (“Eternal Truth”) and “Sat Naam” (“Truth – as the Name of God”) in the Mool Mantra (the Original Mantra – also the first Salok of Gurbani) part of the description of Gurprasad (the Eternal Blessings and Eternal Grace). Further we have been using the word “Sat” before “Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar”. This is the entire essence of this perfect and truly divine fact, and this word also represents “Sacha Sahib” (“True Master” – God). Blessed Satguru incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji has reconfirmed this true and perfect divine fact by using the word “Sacha Sahib” for God. As elaborated in the explanation of Mool Mantra, the meaning of the word “Sat” in the context of Gurprasad is that whose existence is eternal & everlasting, what is true at the Beginning, what is true since the Beginning, and what will remain true for all ages to come. The word “Sahib” denotes the Master. It denotes the One who is His own Master. Because no other power can create Him, and He is His own Creator, and Creator of His own Name, therefore this entirely true divine fact is established in Asa Di Var (a collection of 24 Pauris written by Guru Nanak Ji) by the words “Aapeenai Aap Saajeyo, Aapinai Racheyo Naao- He shaped Himself, No one created Him”. Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is the Master of the entire Creation, because He is the Creator, the Caretaker, and the Destroyer of the whole creation. He is the Master, because the entire Creation runs according to His all-powerful Vidhan (Constitution or Set of Rules). He is Sat (the Eternal Truth), and so is His all-powerful Vidhan. Because the supremely powerful Vidhan created by Him is Sat, and His Divine Court follows this all-powerful Vidhan for carrying out justice, therefore the justice carried out in accordance with this all-powerful Vidhan is also Sat. Therefore Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar Himself is a form of Sat.
In this verse having the entire essence of the complete divine knowledge, Blessed Satguru incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji has talked about the language of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. The word “Bhakhya” (“Language”) implies speech, words, the all-powerful art of expression, the art by which He makes himself manifest in the hirdhas of His followers, the word “Bhao” (“Affection”) implies Love, and the word “Apaar” (“Illimitable”) implies eternal, endless and limitless. Together these words imply that the words, speech or language of the eternal, infinite, boundless Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is nothing but limitless Love. This divine Love knows no boundaries. Love is not just an expression by words or by speech. Love is the devotion by whole hirdha. Love implies a hirdha soaked with affection. The hirdha that experiences Love in its entirety is the behaviour that expresses Love in its entirety. Sat is the womb of this limitless Love. Sat is what gives birth to this limitless Love.
Sat is the mother to Love. Sat bears Love, and the same Sat is the Blessed Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar Himself. Thus Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is an extremely beautiful form of Love. This limitless Love is the basis of Faith. This limitless Love is the basis of Trust. This limitless Love is the basis of Bandagi (surrender before God). Humility and Compassion bear out of Love. The complete peace of mind and hirdha also bears out of this love. Love is the basis of the entire Creation, and this is the last word. This unbounded Love is also the basis of the divine Vidhan. The name “Sat Naam” given to the Timeless Being (God) also represents this limitless Love. Param Jyot (the divine light, life element, soul) Puran Prakash (the perfect brightness of the supreme light, the aura around the enlightened beings) Blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar Himself appears in a hirdha that is soaked in this infinite divine Love. In the Mool Mantra, one of the extremely potent virtues of the Timeless Being, “Nirvair” (“absence of hate, amiability”) is also nothing but this limitless Love. Thus the divine Love itself is the Eternal, Infinite, Supreme Power (God). The person whose hirdha is filled with this boundless love, he or she procures for himself-or-herself the vision of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, sacrifices himself-or-herself in this divine romance and effaces self to merge forever with the Timeless Being. We must hold fast this supremely true elemental fact that Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, by giving us human lives, has already bestowed upon us this divine power to Love. Focus for a moment upon this divinely true essential fact and think: Don’t you possess this limitless divine power to Love? Can’t you exist entirely within the boundaries of Love? Don’t you have the capacity to Love the entire Creation? Don’t you have the capacity to Love every creature? Don’t you have the capacity to Love all your relations? For sure you have this divine ability to Love and, by soaking in this Love you can make your life purposeful. Love without conditions, without demands, becomes the divine Love. Love does not brook conditions and demands; else it is nothing but an attachment. Love is selfless. Selfish love soon turns into a destructive power of Maya (the worldly temptations). Love is renunciation. Love is giving and only giving, not asking, just as Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar knows only to give, has been giving since ages and is still giving. In bandagi too, there is only giving and giving. In love too, there is giving and only giving.
Blessed Satguru incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji goes on to explain that a question arises in the mind of a common person as to what he or she should offer at the feet of the Blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar and Satguru that will drench him or her in the absolute power of this divine Love, that will overwhelm his or her hirdha with the divine passion. When it is Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar Himself, who provides us with everything, then what is it that we possess that we present at the feet of Satguru, the offer of which might fill our hearts with this true affection and take us to the doorsteps of Dargah (the Divine Court). When Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar Himself is supremely powerful, eternal, infinite and possesses all-skills, with treasures that never run out, and is the Creator and Caretaker of all Creation, then what has He given to us that we could dedicate back to Him, the dedication of which will please Him so that He will be pleased at us and will open the doors of Dargah for us and will grant us His shelter.
Every person thirsts after getting an audience with Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, but it also utterly true that an important issue with the society today is what one should do to attain Chad Di Kalaa (the Eternal Bliss), to attain spiritual advancement. Many are curious and are grappling with the problem that despite doing all that we can (Amrit ceremony – initiation into Guru’s path, Panj Bani Path – daily perusal of five prescribed texts, many daily recitals of Sukhmani Sahib baani) we do not make any spiritual gains. There must be innumerable persons who have spent years and ages performing such daily readings in the quest of spiritual achievements but no spirituality has been achieved. There are intellectuals as well as young people who, in order to earn the divine blessings of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, have for years been following these religious practices on a daily basis and have been striving to lead their lives in accordance with Gurmat (Guru’s advice, i.e., God’s advice), but have not made any spiritual progress and therefore are disappointed. The main cause behind these young, middle-aged and elders getting disappointed is the misconceptions about Gurmat. The lack of comlpete truth in prevalent religious preaching is a major reason for this disappointment. The complete truth can be propagated only by those who have put complete truth to practice. Gurparsaad is propagated only by those who have put Gurparsaad to practice, and those who have been chosen by the divine Hukam (the Order of God) to do this service. The Amrit (our essence or soul) can be propagated only by those who have put the Amit to practice, and whom the Blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar has directed to do so. The Naam (the Name – representing God and all His Creation) can only be propagated by those who have put Naam to practice and who have been divinely blessed to propagate Gurparsaad. Gurparsaad can be propagated only by the true Brahm Gyanis (those who have realised the divine wisdom – and thus have attained the highest spiritual stage), true saints and true Khalsa (the pure souls, who have obtained the Braham Gyan – the divine wisdom). The complete truth can be propagated only by these true Braham Gyanis, true saints and true Khalsa. Now we beg humbly of this audience; Please do dwell upon this eternal, essentially true fact and judge the preachers of today at the criteria set by this eternally essential truth, and then decide if what they are preaching is the complete truth or not. By doing this you will have the correct answer to all your questions.
Satguru incarnate the Blessed Nanak Patishah Ji has revealed the answer to this question in Jap Ji Bani (Gurbani – the word of God, or the message of God). The Blessed Satguru Patishah Ji (Guru Nanak Ji) has outlined the entire Sach Khand (the realm of Truth) in this supremely powerful message. Sach khand is said as nothing but a path of the true and absolute Sat. The complete truth (Sat) is the ladder to Sach Khand. To serve the complete truth (Sat) is the edict of Sach Khand. Sach Khand can be gained only by serving the complete truth (Sat). A person, who persists in the service of the complete truth (Sat) eventually becomes a part of the complete truth (Sat) and becomes a saint. A person, who persists in the service of the complete truth (Sat) is eventually assimilated in the complete truth (Sat) and attains divine wisdom and divine understanding. A person, who persists in the service of the complete truth (Sat), eventually becomes the grandeur of the complete truth (Sat). A person, who persists in the service of the complete truth (Sat), eventually merges with the complete truth (Sat) and attains Param Padvi (the highest spiritual level) and becomes an Amritdhari (holder of Amrit – a true Braham Gyani). A person, who persists in the service of the complete truth (Sat), eventually merges with the complete truth (Sat) and becomes a true Khalsa. Amritdhari implies a true saint and a true Braham Gyani. Khalsa implies a true saint and a true Braham Gyani. Therefore a preacher, who doesn’t serve the complete truth (Sat), is a false preacher. A preacher, who doesn’t follow the complete truth (Sat), does a false service to the complete truth (Sat). Therefore a preacher, who doesn’t follow the complete truth (Sat), is a false preacher. So how can the divine purpose reflect in the teachings of a false preacher? How can the Supreme Power (God) manifest itself in the teachings of a false preacher? How can the utterances of a false preacher be Sat? This is the reason that many of the seekers do not attain Chad Di Kalaa. Chad Di Kalaa can be had only after receiving Gurprasad. Chad Di Kalaa can be had only after Naam has permeated your hirdha, and permeated every pore of your body. Only a complete Braham Gyani and a true saint can attain Chad Di Kalaa. Therefore remember to make use of your Amrit Vela (early hours for Simran, i.e., meditation, upon Naam). Do the service of Sat Naam at Amrit Vela. Do the Simran of Sat Naam. Thus gather the wealth of Sat Naam. In Gurbani the service in Simran of Naam is termed the best service of all.
This is why Satguru incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji obliges and tells the entire humanity to tread the path of Sat, to put the message of Sat Naam to practice. Practising the ways of Sat Naam is the best service that a seeker can perform. To serve the the complete truth (Sat), to become one with the complete truth (Sat) and to be a part of the grandeur of Sat is the path that Satguru incarnate Nanak Patishah Ji has shown to the entire humanity. Only a person, who has truly absorbed himself in the complete truth (Sat), is able to appreciate Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar.
Those who are blessed by Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar with His trust, graciousness and beatitude are rewarded in accordance with the divine law of this limitless Love. They receive this bundle of divine Love as Gurprasad. This supremely powerful benevolence of God earns them Naam, Simran of Naam, practice of Naam, complete Bandagi and the opportunity to serve and favour the entire humanity. Thus the practisers of Bandagi dedicate their whole selves at the revered feet of Guru (God), as this is a supremely powerful divine rule of true Bandagi. To dedicate one’s self implies dedicating one’s body, mind and material possessions at the feet of Satguru. Those who follow this truly potent divine rule receive Gurprasad, complete their Bandagi and become blessed. Those who enter the realm of the true Love of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar and Satguru, and follow this supremely powerful divine decree, receive the Gurprasad of Naam, Simran of Naam, practice of Naam, true Bandagi and an opportunity to serve the entire humanity, earn Jeevan Mukti (deliverance from Maya – the material temptations), attain Param Padvi (the Supreme state), attain Atal Awastha (the stage of unshakable faith), become true saints, receive the Atam Ras Amrit (nectar of Eternal Happiness) of true Braham Gyan and true Tat Gyan (a deep, divine understanding), and become true Braham Gyanis.
“Sachyar” implies the Blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar’s manifestation as the Absolute Truth. Sachyar can appear only in a Sachyara (absolutely true) hirdha. A Sachyara hirdha is one that practises absolute truthful compliance. The stage of absolute truthful compliance is abstaining from Maya. The stage of absolute truthful compliance is abstaining from the Panj Dhoots (the five thieves, namely lust, anger, greed, attachments and ego) and Trishna (worldly desires). The hirdha that overcomes Maya enters the stage of absolute truthful compliance. The hirdha that overcomes the three aspects of Maya (the three aspects being Sato – the goodness viz. charity, compassion, contentment, Rajo – the desires viz. hopes, expectations and yearnings, and Tamo – the vices viz. the Panj Dhoots) enters the stage of absolute truthful compliance. The absolute truthful compliance is internal compliance. By keeping all the outside compliances, the hirdha cannot go into the absolute truthful compliance. The absolute truthful compliance can only be attained by practising Sat in our lives. Therefore those who practise absolute truth become a form of Sat, go into the absolute truthful compliance, and make Sachyar appear in their hirdha. Therefore this is a humble request to all mankind: Adopt Gurmat, bring Gurbaani into your everyday lives, this is the complete Braham Gyan, this is the absolute truth, serve the complete truth (Sat) and you will also become a form of Sat.