Nirbhao (Without Fear)

  Nirbhao is the next supreme power of Sat Paarbrahm Pita Parmeshar (Supreme Transcendent Father God-‘Sat’ ) . This supreme power is also called the supreme virtue of  Supreme Transcendent Father God –‘Sat’. Nirbhao means fearless.   The question arises … Read More

Nirvair (Without Hate)

    Being Nirvair (without hate) is the next supreme power of Sat Parbrahm Pita Parmesar (Supreme Transcendent Father God, Truth). This supreme power(of being without hate, Nirvair) is also called the supreme virtue of  virtues.      As He … Read More

Ajuni (Unborn)

“Ik Oankaar SatNaam” is the creator of whole creation that is why He is Karta Purakh (Creastor Being).  He is beyond the limitations of time and space, so He is Deathless/Timeless  – Akal Moorat.    As He is beyond time, space … Read More

Saibhang (Self Supported)

“Ik Oankaar” has created Himself and called Himself Satnaam.  Then He has created the whole creation by becoming Karta Purakh.  He is Akal Moorat, beyond time, space and Maya.  He is  free from the shackles of birth and death so … Read More