Truth is the Name of God. Sat is the Naam of Akal Purakh and this Naam is the basis of every creation. Everything has emanated from Sat Naam and by doing Sat Naam we become Sat and go into a Sehaj Awastha – a continuous Samadhi. Truth is what remains and prevails, never changes, is not prone to any changes, was the same from the beginning, is the same now and will remain the same for all ages to come. Therefore, God has given Himself Truth as His Name – Sat Naam, as explained in GurBani. The highest service of the Truth is to focus on Sat Naam Simran and to give up everything to Sat Naam. This means to dedicate ourself 100% to Sat Naam. This will eventually make us Sat Roop, when we will become a completely truthful person from inside and out. Truth will go into every cell our body. Our Suksham Dehi will become 100% pure like 24 carat gold – Kanchan Dehi as described in GurBani. By virtue of becoming a Kanchan Dehi, our Suksham Dehi will become a source of Amrit for others and we will be blessed with the highest order of the divine wisdom – which we call the Tat Gyan or Brahamgian. This is also called Sumat, so Sat Naam is the Sumat.
Focusing on Sat Naam Simran is the Sumat, and giving up everything to the Gur and Guru is the Dhyaan or Dhyaanaa. To drench Rom Rom in the Sat is the Dhyaan or Dhyaana, and Sat is the highest Sumat. 2) The entire creation is also infinite like the Creator Himself, so trying to know the creation may not be the right thing to do. However, focusing on the Creator Himself is the right thing to do. Focusing on the Creator means focusing on His Naam – Sat Naam. Focusing on Sat Naam will carve our path to become Sat Roop and merge in Akal Purakh, and once that happens we are blessed with the divine wisdom – the highest Amrit Puran Brahamgian – Atam Ras Amrit. But, our Bandgi should be desire free, don’t ask for anything, just drench ourself in His unconditional love, trust and devotion – Sachee Shardhaa, Sachee Preet and this will take us to unimaginable spiritual heights, and only He knows what is He going to give us. Whatever happens will be just incredibly rewarding that is for sure. Due to His Infinite nature, His everything is infinite and so is His Naam – Sat Naam. Therefore there is no price that can define His Naam, this is a priceless jewel, which when carved into our Hirda makes it a Sant Hirda, a Beant Hirda – infinite Hirda. 3) The highest and biggest Manter is “Sat Naam.” The highest and the biggest divine gift is the Gur Parsaad of Sat Naam. There is no Manter bigger or better than Sat Naam. The HIGHEST SPIRITUAL BLESSING IS THE GUR PARSAAD OF SAT NAAM. This is what Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Patshah Ji has explained in the first and the foremost word of GurBani – the Mool Manter – the first Salok of Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji. This has also been very clearly explained by Bhai Gurdaas Ji in their first as discussed earlier.
Some people interpret Naam wrongly and translate Sat Naam as Sacha Naam (true name), which is not true. Sat Naam means Sat (Truth) is the Naam. The same way that SatGur means Sat (Truth) is the Guru and not a Sacha Guru (true Guru).
The basic foundation of even all of the Dharam Granths is Sat Naam. Even the basic foundation of GurBani, Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is also Sat Naam. The foundation of all of the Vedas, Simritees and Shastras – the Hindu Dharam Granths is Sat Naam.
Sat Naam is the origin. Everything has emanated from Sat Naam. That is why Sukhmani Bani says, “Mool Sat Sat Utpatt.”
There are many people out there who wander around and criticize us for preaching Sat Naam. These are the answers to their criticism and the reason why we preach Sat Naam. Sat Naam is the complete Truth, the Infinite Divine Power, Puran Bandgi, the Gur Parsaad. This Gur Parsaad is available at the Sat Charans of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGuru or a Puran Khalsa. Such souls are the source of the Gur Parsaad of Puran Bandgi. Such souls are the source of the Gur Parsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva.
When we are blessed with this divine gift of Sat Naam then our mind instantly goes into complete peace. All of our sins from all of the previous lives and this life vanish instantanously when we are blessed with this Gur Parsaad and we are able to achieve Jivan Mukti.
Please keep in our mind and have a clear understanding of this Divine Truth, that we are able to achieve this Gur Parsaad, only if we are predestined to achieve this Gur Parsaad. Therefore, for those who are blessed with this Gur Parsaad, they are very fortunate and should focus on this Gur Parsaad. And the ones who have not yet been fortunate enough to be blessed with the Gur Parsaad, should focus on Sat Ki Karni and they will find their way to the Gur Parsaad.
Also please keep in mind and have a clear understanding of this Divine Truth that the highest Sat Ki Karni is to focus on Sat Naam Simran. If we focus on Sat Naam Simran then we are sure to find a way to the Gur Parsaad of Puran Bandgi. Therefore, please stay focused on Sat Naam and Sat Naam brings we all of the eternal treasures. 4) In the Mool Manter it is defined that Ik Oankaar is Sat and this Sat is Naam, and this Infinite Divine Power is the Karta Purakh, Nirbhao, Nirvair, Akal Murat, Ajuni, Saibhun(g) and is a GurParsaad. The GurParsaad is the Infinite Divine Power and this Infinite Divine Power is Sat, has been in existence since the beginning (beginning and end are unknown, only present is known and present means this moment), is prevailing now and will prevail in all ages to come.
Naam as Sat Naam is therefore, defined in the Mool Manter and there is no Manter bigger or better or complete than Sat Naam. Therefore, the the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva is the only way to our spiritual success.