Start Meditating On Sat Naam Instead Of Vahiguru

Most preachers incorrectly give the meaning of the Shabad Sat as true and hence the meaning of the Shabad SatGur as True Guru and the meaning of the Shabad Sat Naam as the true Naam.    This leads to many incorrectly believing that the meaning of the Shabad Sat Naam Shri Vahiguru is “the true Naam is Vahiguru.”   

This incorrect understanding and interpretation of the Shabad Sat by various preachers is due to their incomplete levels of spirituality and divine intelligence.  This article is not written to undermine anybody’s trust and belief, but to explain with GurParsaad, the true divine meaning of the Shabad Sat.  

The Shabad Sat represents Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji in its unique, formless, omnipresent state.  Therefore, the true divine meaning of the Shabad Sat is not true, but the Truth.   This means the one which remains the same from its beginning which is unknown, through the present time and  for all ages to come, the end of which is neither defined nor can be defined.

The Mahima of the Shabad Sat has already been covered in Astpadi 16 in a lot more detail.  Sat is the one which doesn’t change, is not prone to any changes and has been so from the beginning, through the present and for all ages to come.  This is nothing but God Himself.  The super divine infinite power that is unique, formless and omnipresent.  The Creator and the only Doer – Karta and the only giver – Daata.

Everything runs according to His divine laws and in accordance with His Hukam.  Therefore, the true divine meaning of the Shabad Sat Naam is that Sat is the Naam.  The true divine meaning of the Shabad SatGur is that Sat is the Guru.  The true divine meaning of the Shabad Sat Naam Shri Vahiguru is that Sat is Naam and this Sat is Dhan Dhan.   The Shabad Vahiguru is the Mahima of Akal Purakh Ji and not the Naam. 

Anything and everything that is changing with time is false and is an illusion of Maya and not Sat.  This is the reason the Shabad Sat is in the lead, the true and more appropriate way to say is Shri Sat Naam Vahiguru.  On a more practical note for those who have been meditating on the Shabad Vahiguru, we will humbly request them to start meditating on the Shabad Sat Naam and then see the difference.  Those who do so with trust and faith, devotion and love are sure to succeed in their spiritual life. 
