Astpadi 18: Mahima Of A SatGur

Sat purakh jin jaani-aa satGur tis ka naa-o.
Tis kai sang sikh udhrai nanak har gun gaa-o.  1.

Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Guru Arjun Dev Maharaj Ji has been so kind by giving these priceless jewels of Puran Braham Gyan.  By understanding them with the GurKirpa and GurParsaad you can achieve the objective of this human life, which is to achieve Jivan Mukt. 

A Jivan Mukt is a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGur, a Puran Khalsa.  All of these are different divine names given to the same soul.  There is no difference between them as they are all spiritually  the same.  In this Astpadi, Dhan Dhan SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji has very kindly given us the divine wisdom and Divine Truth about who a SatGur is.   

Many people around the globe are living in the biggest illusion that there is no SatGuru after Dassam Patshah Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj.  The preachers have made the present Sangat believe that Dhan Dhan SatGuru Dassam Patshah Ji only pronounced Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the SatGuru after Him and told the Sangat to only to follow Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as the Guru.  Whereas, the truth is that He Himself also created five Puran Braham Gyanis – five Puran Khalsas and called each one of them as Satgur Poora, “Khalsa mera satguru poora.”

There has never been any doubt whatsoever about the Divine Truth that GurBani is the Guru.  There has never been any doubt about the Divine Truth that GurBani is Sat.  There has never been any doubt about the Divine Truth that GurBani is the Gyan Saroop of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji.  There has never been any doubt about the Divine Truth that GurBani has come from Akal Purakh, through Sants, Bhagats and Satguru Sahibans and that Gurbani is Sat. Therefore, there has never been any doubt about this Divine Truth that Gurbani contained in Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the SatGuru.  

However, the SatGuru is not the physical body nor the physical matter.  SatGuru means that Sat is the Guru.  Sat is both Puran Braham Gyan and Param Jyot.   These are the two parts of the divinity.  Gyan and Jyot both appear in a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani as He is merged with Sat – Eternal Truth – God.   The Gyan and the Jyot both appeared in the Guru Sahibs.  When we refer to Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji then we mean Gurbani. Gurbani is Sat and the Sat is the Guru.  In a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, the Param Jyot Puran Parkash and the Puran Braham Gyan are Sat and this Sat is the Guru and and not the physical body. But, at the same time a body is needed for a Param Jyot and Puran Braham Gyan to appear, that is why Gurbani calls such a soul a Pargatyeo Jyot as well.

The body of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani is filled with Amrit and the Amrit flows out continuously from their body.  Akal Purakh communicates to the masses through a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, that is why He has been called a living God on Earth by Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji.   

Sat is the Puran Braham Gyan and Sat is the Param Jyot Puran Parkash.  By saying that we mean that the Gyan is Sat and this Sat is the Guru.  It is basically Gyan that is the Guru, whether it is from a live Braham Gyani or Gurbani.  Even Gurbani calls Gurbani as Nirankaar (Formless God), “Waho waho bani nirankar ha.”  Meaning that Gurbani is Sat and so it is Nirankaar.  That is why Gurbani is Nirankaar or Gurbani is the Gyan Saroop of Nirankaar.  

A better way to express this divine wisdom would  be to call Gurbani –the Sat Gyan Guru, but regardless of how we say it, the Guru is always and only Sat. At the same time, as explained in Gurbani time and again,   the presence of Gurbani being contained in Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji doesn’t reduce the importance of a Puran Sant or a Puran Braham Gyani or a Puran Khalsa, which is the source of the Amrit, or Amrit Ka Dataa and Dataa of the Gurparsaad.

The entire Gurbani is the Mahima of Naam, Akal Purakh Ji, Sants, Bhagats, Satgurus, Braham Gyanis and Sadhs.  Puran Braham Gyan and Puran Jyot Parkash in the Hirda is achieved only and we stress only after complete realization of Akal Purakh Ji.  Puran Braham Gyan and Puran Jyot Parkash in the Hirda is achieved only after becoming one with Akal Purakh.  Puran Braham Gyan and Puran Jyot Parkash in the  Hirda is achieved only with complete merger with Paar Braham Pita Parmesar – the Infinite Divine Power. This merger only happens when Gurbani is practiced in our daily life and not just by reading it or indulging in any other kinds of outside rituals.

Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji has always been the Gyan Saroop of Dhan Dhan Akal Purakh Ji, the Gyan Guru, the Gur Shabad, the Shabad Guru.  This means that Dhan Dhan Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the Puran Braham Gyan and we have all been very kindly blessed with this Gyan Saroop of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji since its inception that was again very kindly blessed by Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji. 

However, we undermine Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the GurBani, when we refuse to abide by it.   GurBani is the Puran Braham Gyan, divine wisdom, which tells us the Mahima of Naam.  GurBani is the Puran Braham Gyan that tells us the Mahima of Akal Purakh or at least gives us the glimpse of Akal Purakh’s Mahima.  GurBani is the Puran Braham Gyan that tells us the Mahima of Puran Sant, Puran Bhagat, Puran Braham Gyani, Puran Khalsa, SatGur, Gurmukh, Junn, GurSikh, Puran Purakh and such entities who are blessed with the Param Padvi and become one with Almighty.  The ones who merge into Akal Purakh and become Jivan Mukt.  GurBani tells us repeatedly:-

·         to follow a Puran Sant,
·         to follow a Puran Braham Gyani,
·         to follow a Puran Khalsa,
·         to follow a SatGur,
·         to completely surrender at the Charans a Puran Sant,
·         to dedicate ourselves at the Charans of a Puran Braham Gyani with Tunn, Munn and Dhann,
·         that the key to the success is a complete surrender at the Charans of a SatGur a Puran Khalsa. 

Therefore, it is absolutely clearly explained in GurBani that our spiritual success is dependent upon our dedication to a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa, a SatGur.  Our spiritual progress will depend upon how much we surrender at the Charans of a Sat Roop Puran Sant, a SatGur, a Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa. 

The source of the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi is a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGur, a Puran Khalsa and without such an entity we cannot succeed in our Bandgi.  Ultimately, we will have to go to the Charans of such a soul and completely surrender our self for getting blessed with the GurParsaad for achieving Jivan Mukti.  Therefore, it is a false belief that we bow only to Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and no one else.  The biggest illusion that has plagued most of the Sangat is that there is no need to follow a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGur, a Puran Khalsa. 

It is only a illusion that there has not been any SatGur after Dassam Patshah Ji.  Yes, it is a Divine Truth that all of the Gurus were Guru Avatars and their spiritual levels are unmatched and nobody can claim or can be at their spiritual levels and nobody may ever be able to do the things that were done by Dhan Dhan Guru Sahibs.  But, that doesn’t tell us that there cannot be any more Puran Sants, Puran Braham Gyanis, Puran Khalsas, SatGurus during the time after SatGuru Sahibs.

SatGur Dassam Patshah Ji has called a Puran Khalsa a SatGur and so much so that He has very kindly said that Khalsa is His Roop.  He, with His utmost kindness, created five Puran Khalsas – Puran Braham Gyanis who were called the Panj Pyare.  They were Panj Puran Khalsas, Puran Braham Gyanis and there have been so many Puran Braham Gyanis following these Panj Puran Khalsas and continuing their line that even in today’s world there are Puran Braham Gyanis.  Dhan Dhan SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji has very kindly called a Puran Braham Gyani Nirankaara, Parmeshwar, Puran Purakh Vidhataa, Sarabh Shristi Ka Karta, Sadhu.  There is no difference between God and the Sadhu.

Dhan Dhan SatGur Nanak Ji Maharaj has given so much divine importance to a GurSikh, a Gurmukh, a Junn, a Bhagat, a Sant and so on.  Dhan Dhan SatGuru Sahibs have repeatedly urged us to go at the Charans of such souls as Puran Sant, Puran Braham Gyani, SatGur.  Dhan Dhan Sant Kabir Ji has said that there is no difference between a Sant and God Himself.  Astpadis six, seven and eight explain the Mahima of a Sadh, Mahima of a Braham Gyani and the Mahima of an Apras – the one who makes us like Him if we dedicate everything to Him.  That is what was done by the five Puran Khalsas that were created and blessed by Dassam Pita Ji. 

They basically gave everything to the SatGur.  They gave their heads to their SatGur.  They completely surrendered themselves to their SatGuru and were blessed with the GurParsaad instantaneously and their souls were elevated to the levels of a Puran Braham Gyani, they became Puran Khalsas. 

Fortunately, five came forward at that time to surrender themselves to the SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji.  However, it was unfortunate for the remaining thousands, as they missed the divine opportunity to become Puran Khalsas too at that time.  Had more come forward and surrendered to the SatGur at the time when the Guru was asking for a head, they would also have become Puran Khalsas.  And look at the kindness of the SatGur, He offered a divine opportunity to thousands of them who were in the Sat Sangat at that time, but only five were fortunate to become Puran Khalsas.  Therefore, in light of the Puran Braham Gyan of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji this is only and only an illusion not to follow such souls which are called in GurBani as a Puran Sant, Puran Braham Gyani, SatGur, Puran Khalsa. 

By not following such souls people undermine the Guruship of Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji and are not respecting Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as a Guru.  So in the real divine sense we only accept Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji as our Guru if we follow what the Guru is telling us to do and not the untrue and distorted prevailing practices in the society which have been wrongfully preached by those who are not even authorized to preach. 

Please keep note this very important Divine Truth, that just by doing Matha Tekna to Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji you are not automatically accepted as a true disciple and you are not authorized to call it your Guru.  In the real divine sense, Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji will only become your Guru when and if you follow GurBani in your daily life by living according to the GurMat within it.  Nothing less then that will make you a true disciple of the Guru.  Doing GurBani in your daily life will make you a true disciple and not just by doing Matha Tekna or reading or listening to GurBani.  Becoming GurBani by doing GurBani is the key to success and this is the only way to respect Shri Guru Granth Sahib as the Guru. 

According to GurBani, only the ones who reach the Puran Awastha in the Puran Bandgi stage and are blessed by Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji to preach to the Sangat are authorized to preach and not anybody else.  The ones who become preachers without reaching the Puran Awastha are Dargahi criminals and don’t do any good to anybody, but put the innocent Sangat in these kinds of illusions by their false preaching practices. 

In this divine Salok, SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly giving us the divine wisdom – Puran Braham Gyan, about the one called SatGur is and what we need to do to reach Jivan Mukti in this human life.  Sat Purakh is the divine noun given to Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji and the one who merges in the Sat Purakh becomes a SatGur.  The one who reaches the Param Padvi is a SatGur.  The one who reaches the Puran Braham Gyan stage is the SatGur.  The one who reaches the Puran Tat Gyan stage becomes a SatGur.  The one who is blessed with the Atam Ras becomes a SatGur.  The one who becomes a Sat Hirda with Puran Param Jyot Parkash becomes a SatGur.  The one who becomes a Puran Sant Hirda is a SatGur. 

Please always and forever keep this thing in mind and have a clear understanding of this Divine Truth, that only Sat is the Guru.  The Dehi is not the Guru.  This means that the physical body is not the Guru, the physical body is Maya and is perishable.  So the physical body is not and cannot be the Guru, the Param Jyot Puran Parkash is the Guru.  So whenever we bow and follow these souls we don’t follow their physical body, but we follow their Sat Roop and that is Puran Braham Gyan Atam Ras Puran Tat Gyan Puran Parkash Param Jyot. 

God needs a Hirda to appear in as He is not born and never dies.  The closest the Creator comes into the creation is by appearing in the Hirda that has become Sat.   That is why God appears in the Hirda within the physical body of a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a SatGur, a Puran Khalsa.  Please remove the incorrect phrase Dehdhari Guru from your mind and the incorrect preaching that is associated with it to prevent people from seeking out a Sant.  Deh is never the Guru, but the Sat in the Hirda is the Guru. 

SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly giving us the divine wisdom to follow these souls.  The Sangat of such souls is called Sat Sangat.  In their Sat Sangat we become a Sat Roop.  Our Hirda becomes a Sat Hirda.  Our Hirda becomes a Sant Hirda.  Following these souls means complete surrender with Tunn, Munn and Dhann at their Charans with complete trust, faith, devotion and love.  By doing so, we pave a path for our self to Jivan Mukti.  The ones who do so achieve Jivan Mukti.  Therefore, please open up the closed minds and use your common sense to follow the Shabad Guru and not just what is being preached by those who are not even authorized by God.  Just do what GurBani is telling you to do and realize the unimaginable benefits.  Just do it and see what happens inside you.  We promise you that when you do GurBani in your daily life you will for sure become whatever GurBani says.  To be more explicit you will become the Mahima of Akal Purakh. 

Sat gur sikh kee karai partipaal.
Sayvak ka-o gur sada da-i-aal.
Sikh kee gur dur mat mal hirai.
Gur bachnee har naam uchrai.
SatGur sikh kay bandhan kaatai.
Gur ka sikh bikaar tay haatai.
SatGur sikh ka-o naam dhann day-ay.
Gur ka sikh vadbhaagee hay.
SatGur sikh ka halat palat savaarai.
Nanak SatGur sikh ka-o jee-a naal samaarai.  1.

Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly telling us these divine words which give us a glimpse of the Mahima of a SatGur.  However, the Mahima of a SatGur is beyond description, it is infinite and can only be experienced with all of our physical senses with the GurParsaad.  The key to our spiritual success is with our SatGur.  SatGur is the Amrit Dhari and by being so is Amrit Ka Daata.  The people who take Khande Batta Ki Pahul call themselves Amrit Dhari, but that is another illusion that plagues them as soon as they take it.  They need to understand that this is their first step entering in the spiritual world, but they become so intoxicated with ego that they think they have become Amrit Dhari.  This is a totally false and untrue belief. 

We totally ignore this Divine Truth that the one who gave Amrit to the Panj Pyare was a Puran Sant SatGur Himself and the ones who came forward with their heads at the Charans of their SatGur were blessed with the GurParsaad.  So please and we repeatedly request at all of your Charans, please keep in mind that the Creator of these Panj Pyare was Himself an Amrit Ka Daata, a Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Sant SatGur.  So there were eligible candidates and there was a giver of the Amrit.  There were divinely blessed recipients and there was a divine giver of the Amrit and that is how they became Panj Pyare – Panj Puran Khalsas – Panj Puran Braham Gyanis and that there is no other short cut to create  Panj Pyare. 

Only the ones who are Puran Khalsas, Puran Braham Gyanis are Amrit Ka Daata and can give Amrit to the Sat Sangat and nothing less than that.  Everything else is just a false and untrue practice that is why the people who take Khande Batta Ki Pahul from modern day Panj Pyare don’t make much, if any spiritual progress. 

This Khande Batta Ki Pahul process unfortunately has been reduced just to a ritual only which has no divine value without the existence of Puran Khalsas, Puran Braham Gyanis, Amrit Ka Daata, who are blessed with this divine authority to give Amrit to the Sangat.  For those who have been lost in a stream of outer rituals please come back with an open mind and look at these divine words of Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji.  The divine laws never change they remain the same through all Ages.  It is the same divine law that was followed by all the SatGurus including Dassam Patshah Ji. 

SatGuru Ji is telling us that only a SatGur can give the treasure of Naam to the Sikh, only a SatGur can give Amrit to the Sikh, only a SatGur can give the GurParsaad to the Sikh.  And who is a Sikh?  A Sikh is a learner, a Sikh is a disciple of the Guru, a Sikh is the one who has been blessed with the divine wisdom of surrendering completely at the Charans of the SatGur, a Sikh is the one who is ready to receive the GurParsaad from the SatGur.  This GurParsaad is an infinite blessings, this GurParsaad does wonders to the Sikh, this GurParsaad cleans up the Sikh from inside out and transform Him from an ordinary person to a Sant Hirda. 

This GurParsaad transform a normal person to a Sat Hirda.  This GurParsaad, washes all of the dirt from our mind and makes us of stable mind.  This GurParsaad actually kills our mind and replaces it with the Param Jyot Puran Parkash.  This GurParsaad takes us into Naam Simran.  This GurParsaad takes us into Samadhi and Sunn Samadhi.  This GurParsaad takes our DurMat away and fills our Hirda with the GurMat – divine wisdom.  This GurParsaad relieves us from the shackles of Maya and brings us victory over Maya.  This GurParsaad washes all of our sins and removes all of our bad attributes and fills us up with all of the divine qualities.  This GurParsaad takes us to the heights of the spiritual world.  This GurParsaad is the result of the utmost kindness on the part of the SatGur.  His kindness is infinite and the ones who surrender completely at the Sat Charans of a SatGur are blessed with this GurParsaad. 

Complete surrender at the Sat Charans of the SatGur makes us a true disciple of the SatGur – a Gur Ka Sikh.  Once we become a Gur Ka Sikh then SatGur takes complete care of us in this world and beyond the world and that is in the Dargah of Akal Purakh Ji.  Once we completely surrender at the Sat Charans of a SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann and with trust and faith in Him and with devotion and love then it becomes our SatGur’s divine responsibility to take care of us.  And He does so with a million times more love towards us.  So much so, that He absorbs all of our poison in Him and gives us the GurParsaad and takes us to the heights of the spiritual world. 

SatGuru’s devotion, trust and faith in us is millions of times more than what we offer Him.  For every step we take towards the SatGur, He takes millions of steps towards us.  The degree to which we surrender at His Charans determines the level of benefit we receive from Him, but for sure our gains will be millions of times more than our dedication towards Him. 

Therefore, the key to our spiritual success is in the hands of our SatGur and our devotion and dedication at His Sat Charans.  We can tell you for sure that we can realize our spiritual dreams by completely surrendering at the Sat Charans of a SatGur and this is a mandatory divine law as repeatedly presented in GurBani by all of the SatGur Sahibs.  If we call GurBani our Guru then it becomes our moral responsibility to follow these words of the Guru and benefit from doing so.

Gur kai garihi sayvak jo rahai.
Gur kee aagi-aa man meh sahai.
Aapas ka-o kar kachh na janaavai.
Har har naam ridai sad dhi-aavai.
Man baychai SatGur kai paas.
Tis sayvak kay kaaraj raas.
Sayvaa karat ho-ay nihkaamee.
Tis ka-o hot paraapat su-aamee.s
apnee kirpa jis aap karay-i.
Nanak so sayvak gur kee mat lay-ay.  2.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly continuing to give us the divine wisdom about the Mahima of a SatGur.  Giving us this piece of divine wisdom is also pure  Mahima of the SatGur.  Disseminating the divine wisdom to the Sat Sangat for their spiritual uplift is a very important part of the Mahima of a SatGur.  In even simpler words, it is the job of a SatGur to give the divine wisdom to His Sat Sangat. 

When we are blessed with the GurParsaad it becomes our divine responsibility to focus on the GurParsaad of Naam and dedicate our self to Naam Simran.  Sitting in long Naam Simran session takes us into Samadhi and Sunn Samadhi in a short period of time.  The real Bandgi starts when Naam goes into our Surat, and this is when our Bandgi account is opened in the Dargah. 

For the beginners, the first two hours are counted on Earth, but after that their Simran goes into  Dargah.  However,  later on when Naam has penetrated our Surat, then our Simran goes quickly into Dargah every time we sit for Naam Simran.  Going into Dargah means that when we focus on Naam we go into Samadhi.  Therefore, please focus on long sessions of Naam Simran ranging from 2+ hours at least.  Longer sessions of Naam Simran will do wonders for you. 
When we dedicate our self to Naam Simran then Naam travels to our Surat and then to our Hirda.  In fact, Naam enlightens all of the Sat Sarovars and then it goes into the Dassam Duaar and opens up all of the Bajjar Kapaats including the Dassam Duaar.

The cleansing of our Hirda is the key to success and when Naam goes into Hirda, the Hirda is cleansed and becomes eligible to fill with Amrit.  When the entire Suksham Dehi is cleansed then it becomes Kanchan Dehi as pure as 24 carat gold.  When the entire body gets filled with Amrit that is what is called Amrit Bhinnie Dehuri. 
The transformation of our Hirda into a Sat Hirda is the key to Jivan Mukti.  This happens to those who sell their mind to their SatGur.  This means that the ones who leave aside their own wisdom by deleting it from their brain and mind, and take the word of the SatGur as their only wisdom and then follow it are blessed with the Naam in their Hirda.  In this way their Hirda is transformed into a Sat Hirda. 

It is a divine law that wherever Naam goes that place will get transformed.  So when Naam travels to various parts of the body and in particular the Sat Sarovars, then these divine parts of the soul or Suksham Dehi are enlightened and get transformed.  Similarly, when Naam travels to the Hirda then the Hirda is transformed and becomes a Sat Hirda and Sat Hirda is a Sant Hirda filled with Amrit and all of the divine treasures and divine qualities. 

The ones who surrender completely to the SatGur, are taken care of by the SatGur.  Everything for them starts to fall in place.  Their environment becomes so effected with the Amrit that nothing goes against them.  Everything around them gets transformed as well and all of their needs and requirements are met without even asking for it. 

The ones who dedicate themselves to Nishkaam Seva – service without any demands, unconditional love for the SatGur, are transformed into a Sat Hirda.  The real divine service – Seva is the one which is done without expecting anything in return.  The Seva done with demands is not counted as Seva.  Seva is only counted as Seva at the Charans of a SatGur if the Seva is without any demands.  The ones who do Nishkaam Seva are very fortunate as their Hirda is transformed to a Sat Hirda.  They eventually merge in Akal Purakh.  They become one with the Almighty and achieve their objective of becoming a Jivan Mukt.  Those who give up everything to their SatGur and follow His words and lose their own identity in the Seva of their SatGur become Dhan Dhan as their Hirda is transformed completely to a Sat Hirda. 

Achieving Gur Ki Mat, means following the divine wisdom of the SatGur is the key to success.  The ones who dedicate themselves to the Seva of their SatGur are blessed with this GurParsaad of divine wisdom.  The Gur Ki Mat is the GurMat – GurBani, SatGuru’s word, Sat Bachans of the SatGuru.  It is a GurParsaad and is achieved by those who surrender themselves at the Sat Charans of the SatGuru.  So please keep in mind that the GurParsaad is the key to success. 

This GurParsaad is achieved by selling our mind at the Sat Charans of the SatGuru and following the Sat Bachans of the SatGuru.  This GurParsaad is achieved by doing Nishkaam Seva – Seva without any demands, without any wishes.  Above all,  this GurParsaad is achieved by completely surrendering at the Sat Charans of the SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann.  By doing so, Naam goes into the Hirda transforming it into a Sat Hirda.  Rom Rom becomes filled with Amrit.  The entire body is transformed into a Kanchan Dehi and fills with Amrit.  All of the Bajjar Kapaats are opened, including Dassam Duaar and all of the Sat Sarovars become illuminated with Naam which takes us to the heights of the spiritual world. 
Bees bisvay gur ka man maanai.
So sayvak parmaysur kee Gat jaanai.
So SatGur jis ridai har naa-o.
Anik baar gur ka-o bal jaa-o.
Sarabh nidhaan jee-a ka daataa.
Aath pahar Paar Braham rang raataa.
Barahm meh junn junn meh Paar Braham.
Aykeh aap nahee kachh bharam.
Sahas si-aanap la-i-aa na jaa-ee-ai.
Nanak aisaa gur badbhaagee paa-ee-ai.  3.
Dhan Dhan SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji Arjun Dev Ji is very kindly giving this priceless jewel of the Puran Braham Gyan to us, that the one who is blessed with the GurParsaad of Naam in the Hirda and the one whose Hirda is transformed into a Sat Hirda becomes a SatGur, “So sat gur jis ridai har naa-o.” 

SatGuru Ji has made it absolutely clear in this divine Shabad that those who are blessed with Naam in their Hirda reach such a level of spirituality that they are blessed with this title of SatGur.  This means that Sat Hirda is a SatGur.  After listening to this divine Shabad and carving this priceless jewel in our Hirda there remains no doubt about WHO IS A SATGUR.  IT IS THE ONE WHOSE HIRDA IS FILLED WITH NAAM. 

This divine Shabad should remove this illusion from the minds of the Sangat that there is no SatGur after Dassam Patshah Ji.  The difference is that the Guru Sahibs were Guru Avatars and only calling them Guru is undermining them, as they were Avatars of Akal Purakh, they were themselves Nirankaar on this Earth and we all are very fortunate to be a part of their following.  But, this does not mean that there is no SatGur after them, the SatGurus have been there forever.  But, not the Guru Avatars and this Shabad has not been invented by anybody else, but one of these Guru Avatars – Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji Himself.  So how come this piece of divine wisdom, a rare and priceless jewel, is not accepted by the Sangat?  The reason is the wrong preaching practices by those who themselves don’t know about this divine piece of wisdom.  These people need to look at these divine words more closely and pray for understanding their real divine meaning and restrain themselves from wrongful preaching practices.

The Divine Meaning Of Avatar

It true that God never dies and is never born that is why He is called Ajuni, but He does send His Avatars as needed on this Earth. It is a divine truth and is believed that there have been several Avatars. The Avatar is not a reincarnation of God, an Avatar is a representative  of God. It is very hard to understand this divine truth, this has got to do with a very high level of Tat Gyan.  This wisdom comes from with in, there is no way that will help you measure and decide who was an Avatar or who was less than that.  Avatar may or may not be born from mother’s womb.  An Avatar can appear at any time in space.  It is not possible to challenge God on this aspect of the divinity.  An Avatar can appear at any time anywhere and in anybody.  An Avatar will not call Himself as an Avatar, but there will be some who will recognize Him as an Avatar and tell the rest of the world about Him. 

The ten Gurus were extraordinary beings.  They were divinely powerful and whatever they did tell us about themselves was and still is way beyond the comprehension of an ordinary person.  Also their Karni was much higher than a lot of the other Braham Gyanis before them or during their time.  Their spiritual level was higher than other Braham Gyanis of the same time and even afterwards.  But, this wisdom comes from inside us which tells us that the Gurus were Guru Avatars.  That is what has happened to us and that is what we have told.  The Truth is Truth whether anybody believes it or not, but we have to tell the Truth and that is what we have done.

Some people get confused when we say the Guru was God on Earth because Guru Gobind Singh ji wrote not to call Him God, only God’s servant, "Hum param purakh ka dasaa, dekhan aayo jagat tamasha."  That was His humbleness, the height of His humbleness and represented a deep divine sense of humility and humbleness. That was His divine height of devotion and love for God that made Him say these words.  Perhaps, He wanted to teach the masses that you can never become the complete God, no matter what you may have achieved.  You can become one with God but not the complete God.   By keeping that in mind you will not lose your humility and humbleness and your devotion and love for God.

People do not like to use the word Avatar for the Sikh Gurus as they think that Avatar is a Hindu concept.  But Avatar is not any kind of concept, it is a divine truth and is written in Gurbani as well.  Gurbani does talk about the Guru Avatars.  “Gaavahi kapilaad aad jogaysur aprampar avatar varo," (SGGS 1389) and “Naanak kul nimmal avtar-yi-o angad lahnay sang hu-a.” (SGGS 1395).

There is nothing wrong in respecting the Gurus as God, in fact they were living Gods on Earth.  That is what Gurbani says.  There is no difference between God and a Puran Sant.  There is no difference between a Puran Braham Gyani and God.  The ones who believe in this divine truth and follow a Puran Sant’s words as God’s word do wonders in their spiritual life.

Returning to the Astpadi, therefore, the Sevak who trusts His SatGur and devotes himself at His Sat Charans with love and complete surrender is blessed with the Puran Braham Gyan as there is no way to learn about the Almighty without this GurParsaad, which is only achieved by complete surrender at the Sat Charans of a SatGur.  So giving everything to the SatGur is the key to success.  Giving, giving and giving is the key to success and this means giving Tunn to the SatGur through Seva and Simran.  Giving Munn to the SatGur by leaving aside the rest of the wisdom and following only the words of the SatGur as Sat Bachans.  Giving Dhann to the SatGur by giving one tenth of our earnings at the Charans of the SatGur.  Giving is the key to spiritual success. 

SatGur is the one who is absorbed in Akal Purakh forever and is a source of all of the eternal treasures.  What are these eternal treasures?  They are the GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi, Seva – Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar.  The Daata, the Giver of all of these divine blessings is the SatGur.  Other divine treasures are:-

·         winning over Maya,
·         washing all of our sins from all of our previous lives,
·         filling our Hirda with all of the divine qualities,
·         filling completely with Amrit, and
·         above all becoming a Suhaagan and then a Sada Suhaagan. 

SatGur is always and forever absorbed in Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji.  There is no difference between the SatGur and Paar Braham Parmeshwar Himself.  Both become one.  SatGur is the one who has merged in Paar Braham Parmeshwar and there is no doubt about this Divine Truth that both Paar Braham Parmeshwar and SatGur are one and the same and not two. 

There is no place for our own wisdom and worldly wisdom on this path of spirituality.  For union with God there is only one wisdom that works and that is the divine wisdom – which is called GurMat and the GurMat is nothing but GurBani.  That is why we have repeatedly urged everyone to follow the divine wisdom, the GurMat and not our own wisdom and worldly wisdom.  Our own wisdom and worldly wisdom is Maya and Maya will never let us walk on this path to Eternity.  Therefore, we must surrender our self at the Sat Charans of a SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann if we are serious about achieving the Jivan Mukti. 
Safal darsan paykhat puneet.
Parsat charan Gat nirmal reet.
Bhaytat sang raam gun ravay.
Paar Braham kee dargeh gavay.
Sun kar bachan karan aaghaanay.
Man santokh aatam patee-aanay.
Pooraa gur akh-ya-o jaa ka mantar.
Amrit darisat paykhai ho-ay sant.
Gun bi-ant keemat nahee paa-ay.
Nanak jis bhaavai tis la-ay milaa-ay.  4.
SatGuru’s Mahima is so wonderful and so full of surprising divine essence, that just having His Darshans are incredibly powerful.  The one who goes to His Sat Charans with trust, faith, devotion and love and belief that there is no difference between a SatGur and Paar Braham Parmeshwar and belief that there is no difference between the Darshans of a SatGur and Akal Purakh Himself, is blessed instantaneously with so many blessings that his Hirda gets purified instantaneously. 

Such people go into Samadhi right away.  That means such souls are blessed with the GurParsaad of Karam Khand right away and their Karni becomes Sat Ki Karni.  This eventually brings them Jivan Mukti.  Therefore, the Darshans of a SatGur are a GurParsaad of a very high divine level.  But, please keep in mind that this kind of reward is achieved by those souls who give up everything at the Sat Charans of the SatGur, completely surrender themselves at the Sat Charans of the SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann. 

In fact, the Charans of a SatGur are no way less then Dargah itself.  It is a Divine Truth that wherever a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa, a SatGur is sitting the Dargah is right there as there is no difference between God Himself and a SatGur.  Complete dedication and complete surrender at the Sat Charans of a SatGur will result in a quick transformation of our Hirda into a Sat Hirda filled with all of the divine qualities. 

There is an infinite importance behind the divine qualities. Divine qualities are the Infinite Divine Powers.  These qualities are so powerful that the one who comes to the SatGur with complete surrender at His Sat Charans is instantly blessed with these qualities too.  These divine qualities are a divine way of living a Sat life, which is living under Puran Hukam of Akal Purakh and at the same time helping others cherish their spirituality. 

One of these divine qualities is Sat Santokh.  When the Hirda goes into Sat Santokh it leads to the elimination of desires, which makes desire free living the way of life.  Desire free living is a GurParsaad and leads to Jivan Mukti.  This is the most difficult thing to do which can easily be achieved by surrendering at the Sat Charans of a SatGur.  Desire free living takes our mind to infinite peace by going into a thought free stage, which is called Sunn Samadhi and is a very high spiritual stage. 

SatGur’s Mahima is so full of Divinity that when we surrender completely at His Sat Charans, He  takes us to the Dargah.  It is a Divine Truth that has been repeatedly said in GurBani, that wherever there is a SatGur sitting the Mansarovar is right there, wherever there is a SatGur sitting, Dargah is right there.  This is because there is no difference between Akal Purakh Himself and a SatGur.  Hence, where there is a SatGur sitting the Dargah is bound to be present there as well. 

The Mahima of a SatGur is so great, that even His Drisht (look) is Amrit.  It is a Divine Truth that there is Amrit flowing out of a SatGur in all directions from His Dehi, so wherever He looks there is Amrit flowing out of His eyes as well.  The ones who surrender completely with Tunn, Munn and Dhann at His Sat Charans are blessed by the Divine Light coming out of His eyes.  That Infinite Divine Power blesses that soul to become a Sant – their Hirda becomes a Sant Hirda just from the Amrit Drisht. 

There is another Divine Truth that we need to understand and that is when we go to the Charan Sharan of a SatGur with trust, faith, devotion and love then He transforms us completely and makes us like Him, that is why He is called an Apras Aparas. 

SatGur is Poora Gur (Perfect Guru) so His divine words are filled with infinite power.  When we follow His words as Sat Bachans then our mind and Hirda goes into complete peace and wherever there is peace there is God Himself.  Peace in the Hirda is another name of God Himself.  His divine words are the words of God Himself.  There is no end to the infinite divine qualities of a SatGur like God Himself, that is why God is called the treasure of all divine qualities – Gunni Nidhaan.  And so is the SatGur, as there is no difference between a SatGur and God Himself. 

SatGur is Amrit Ka Daata.  SatGur is the Daata of Naam Simran.  SatGur is the Daata of Naam Ki Kamai.  SatGur is the Daata of Puran Bandgi.  SatGur is the Daata of all of the GurParsaad.  The ones who serve the SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann are very fortunate as they are the ones who are blessed with the union with God.     
Jihbaa ayk ustat anayk.
Sat purakh puran bibayk. 
Kaahoo bol na pahuchat paraanee.
Agam agochar prabh nirbaanee.
Niraahaar nirvair sukh-daa-ee.
Taa kee keemat kinai na paa-ee.
Anik bhagat bandan nit karahi.
Charan kamal hirdai simrahi.
Sad balihaaree SatGur apnay.
Nanak jis parsaad aisaa prabh japnay.  5.
SatGur Sachey Patshah Ji Dhan Dhan Pancham Patshah Ji is very kindly blessing us with the divine wisdom about the infinite Mahima of a SatGur.  GurBani is the word of God and has a very deep divine meaning.  In fact, it is beyond any means to gauge its depth.  It is like the Mansarovar which has infinite dimensions.  Our own practical experience has been that when we start looking at any Gur Shabad and focus on it more and more, it takes us deep into the Mansarovar.  It takes us deep into the Amrit Sagar. It takes us deep into the Gur Sagar and as we go deeper and deeper, we find that there is more and more depth in there.  So it is not possible to gage its depth.  It is infinite in dimensions as it takes us deep into the infinite Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Parmeshwar Ji.  And so is the Mahima of a SatGur.  These are just the glimpses of His Mahima which can only be realized by going to the Sat Charans of a SatGur.
SatGur is telling us that He has only one tongue, yet there is no end to the Mahima of SatGur and Akal Purakh.  So it is not possible for Him to tell us the complete Mahima of a SatGur as it is infinite and infinite cannot be described.  GurBani tells us, “Braham Gyani gur parmeshwar ek hi jaan.”   This means that there is no difference between a Braham Gyani and Gur Parmeshwar Ji.  Both are one and the same and the One is infinite, so how can the Mahima of the Infinite be described?

The Mahima of a SatGur cannot be seen and understood by the five senses that a normal human has.  The Mahima of a SatGur is beyond the reach of these five senses as it is beyond Maya.  The reach of these five senses is only up to Maya.  Whatever we see with our eyes is Maya and for going beyond Maya and the five senses we will need the divine eye – Dib Drisht.  This divine eye is present in our Suksham Dehi, but is not yet open.  It is opened with the GurParsaadi blessings of a SatGur.  When this divine eye does open only then are we able to feel and experience the Mahima of a SatGur, because this is the divine sense that makes it possible to see beyond Maya and deep into Divinity, deep into Mansarovar.  Therefore, for seeing and experiencing God we need to get this divine eye opened, which can only be opened by a SatGur, “SatGur milay dib drisht hoee.” 

This divine eye is also called Gyan Netter and its opening blesses us with the understanding of divine wisdom.  GurBani starts to flow inside us when our Gyan Netter opens.  We start to feel the depth of GurBani, we start to understand what GurBani means and as our Bandgi progresses and our conscious goes higher and higher the meaning of GurBani keeps on enhancing and we keep on going deep and deeper into the Mansarovar. 

This is another part of the infinite Mahima of a SatGur.  SatGur is Puran so His divine wisdom is Puran.  He is blessed with the Puran Braham Gyan.  He is blessed with Puran Tat Gyan.  He is always and forever absorbed in God.  He is one with God and there is no difference between Him and God.  He is merged in God.  His word has infinite depth as His word is GurBani.  His word is Sat and is priceless.  The depth of His words can only be felt and experienced by surrendering completely at His Sat Charans.  SatGur is Nirvair.  This means He has no animosity with anyone.  He has no enemies.  He doesn’t hate anybody.  He doesn’t discriminate.  He has no hatred for anybody.  He is above all of these negative forces and to be more explicit, it is a Divine Truth that SatGur is of single vision meaning that He is Ik Drisht – for Him all are equal. 

His Bhojan is Gyan – Puran Braham Gyan is His food.  Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar is His appetite.   Uniting people with God is His passion.  Making more and more Mahima of Akal Purakh is His job day and night.  Everything He does is for the betterment of society and the entire creation.  In fact, there is so much Kood on this Earth that this Earth is able to survive only because of the Kirpa of the SatGurus, Braham Gyanis, Sants and Khalsas – the ones who are Puran.  Nobody can estimate the divine powers of these souls.  Their service to society is priceless.  They absorb the poison of the Sangat and give Amrit to the Sangat.  Their Sangat brings in us the highest level of eternal happiness, a never ending happiness, a never ending peace. 

Dandauth Bandhna to the SatGur is another deed which brings unimaginable rewards to us.  This is the most powerful weapon to move ego out of our Hirda and bring in utmost humility and humbleness.  Therefore, whenever we go to the Sat Sangat of a SatGur always do Dandauth Bandhna to Him.  There are countless numbers of Bhagats that do Dandauth Bandhna to a SatGur.  Doing Dandauth Bandhna and kissing the feet of the SatGur has a very cleansing effect on our Hirda.  If we ever get a chance to do so, then please do it and see what happens.  Clean His shoes with our beard and see what happens to our Hirda.  These things have unimaginable effect on our spirituality.  We can realize these divine rewards only if we perform these kinds of Sat Karams.  These Sat Karams will help us to bring the Sat Charans of the SatGur into our Hirda.  Then we will be able to keep the Charan Kamals of the SatGur in our Hirda.  When our Hirda gets filled with the Charan Kamals of the SatGur that means that our Hirda will become a Sat Hirda, it will get filled with the Param Jyot Puran Parkash.  The Mahima of the Charans of a SatGur is beyond description, it will do wonders to us just do it and enjoy these divine benefits.  All of these divine things happen with the GurParsaad from the SatGur ,so please continue to pray forever to be blessed with this GurParsaad.   

Ih har ras paavai junn ko-ay.
Amrit peevai amar so ho-ay.
Us purakh ka naahee kaday binaas. 
Jaa kai man pargatay guntaas.
Aath pahar har ka naam lay-ay.
Sach updays sayvak ka-o day-ay.
Moh maa-i-aa kai sang na layp.
Man meh raakhai har har ayk.
Andhkaar deepak pargaasay.
Nanak bharam moh dukh tah tay naasay.  6.
SatGuru Pancham Patshah Ji is continuing to give us the divine wisdom about the Mahima of the SatGur, which is a GurParsaad in itself.  SatGur is Amrit Ka Daata and is blessed by Divinity with the divine power of giving the GurParsaad, but there are very few people who are fortunate to be blessed with this GurParsaad.  Though it is so simple and easy to achieve the GurParsaad there is only one in tens of millions who is fortunate enough to be blessed with this GurParsaad.  Most people are not fortunate to be blessed with this GurParsaad, primarily due to lack of dedication and not surrendering at the Sat Charans of the SatGur.  As far as the SatGur is concerned, His Amrit is available to everybody equally.  He is Ik Drisht and there is no discrimination on His part at all, the deficiency is in the people who go to His Sat Sangat.  The main reasons are lack of dedication, commitment, belief, trust, devotion, love and above all complete surrender with Tunn, Munn and Dhann.  There are a very few people who get this divine wisdom to give up everything at the Sat Charans of a SatGur.  The fortunate ones who are blessed with the GurParsaad and the ones who follow the words of SatGur eventually achieve Jivan Mukti. 

The ones who are blessed with the GurParsaad get their Hirda filled with all of the divine qualities are never destroyed by Maya.  In fact, they defeat Maya and go beyond the three aspects of Maya and become one with God and thus are blessed with the Atam Ras Amrit – Puran Braham Gyan.  Such souls remain absorbed in Amrit on a continuous basis and are blessed with the service of Sat and so they are engaged in delivering Sat to the people.  Whatever they say is Sat and the ones who follow these Sat Bachans are transformed into a Sat Hirda. 

The Hirda of a common person is filled with darkness.  The darkness of:-

·         Maya – Panj Doots and desires,
·         Kal Yug,
·         self wisdom,
·         worldly wisdom,
·         DurMat due to the absence of divine wisdom – GurMat,
·         the fear of losing worldly possessions,
·         losing worldly relationships,
·         running after money by fair or unfair means,
·         all kinds of distortions of mind,
·         lack of peace of mind,
·         lack of trust, faith, devotion and love for the Gur and Guru
·         the negative forces that take us away from God and keep us drenched in the scum of Maya. 
When we go to the Sat Charans of a SatGur and completely surrender our self then our Hirda is enlightened with the Divine Light and divine wisdom and we go into Bandgi.  The GurParsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai, Puran Bandgi and Seva completely changes our life.  All of the darkness from our Hirda disappears and it fills with the Divine Light, divine wisdom and all of the divine qualities.  We are able to defeat Maya by becoming desire free resulting in our Hirda entering into complete contentment – Sat Santokh.  All of our illusions, delusions and doubts disappear.  All of our mental sicknesses – Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh and Ahankaar disappear and our Hirda fills with the divine happiness – Sat Chit Anand. 
Tapat maahi thaadh vartaa-ee.
Anad bha-i-aa dukh naathay bhaa-ee.
Janam maran kay mitay andaysay.
Sadhu kay puran updaysay.
Bha-o chookaa nirbha-o ho-ay basay.
Sagal bi-aadh man tay khai nasay.
Jis ka saa tin kirpa dhaaree.
Sadhsang jap naam muraaree.
Thit paa-ee chookay bharam gavan.
Sun nanak har har jas sarvan.  7. 

SatGur’s Mahima is Aparampaar, Anant, Beant and Agam Agochar.  His divine powers are beyond description.  Look at how fortunate we are that Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji with His infinite kindness upon us has given us this divine blessing that we can go to the Charan Sharan of a SatGur, a Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa or a Puran Sant and get the same rewards and benefits as if we are sitting in the Dargah of Akal Purakh. 

The Sat Sangat of a SatGur, a Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Sant or a Puran Khalsa is not less than the Dargah by any means.  SatGur is Puran so His teachings or His words are also Puran, means His words are Puran Braham Gyan.  His words are filled with Amrit.  His words are Amrit Bachans.  His words are the words of God.  His words are Sat.  His words are filled with divine super infinite power.  Therefore, by just following His words with trust, faith, devotion and love we are able to achieve Jivan Mukti and are released from the cycle of birth and death.  Our mind is replaced by the Param Jyot and we go into complete divine peace.  Our mind, which was burning in the darkness of Kal Yug and Maya, our mind which was burning in the fire of desires goes into complete peace.  Our mind stops talking, it becomes thought free and goes into complete silence.  Our mind which was earlier burning in Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh and Ahankaar goes into complete silence. It is replaced by the Divine Jyot and does Simran on a continuous basis which is called Ajapa Jaap. 

We become fearless.  All of our fears of losing our worldly possessions and our worldly relationships disappear and we become internally detached from worldly things and relationships.  Our mind is blessed with the divine wisdom about the falseness of the worldly things and relationships.  All of our evils run away from our mind and it is transformed into a silent mind.  All of the ailments leave our mind and it becomes free of all distortions and mischief.  All of the evil qualities leave our Hirda and it fills with divine qualities.  Our mind and Hirda go into complete stability, which is called Sehaj Awastha or Atal Awastha, which is a divine blessing and GurParsaad of a very high order. 

We are blessed with the urge to always and forever listen to, talk about  and sing the Mahima of Akal Purakh, His Naam, His Bhagats, Sants, Braham Gyanis, Khalsas and SatGurus.  Our mind and Hirda is tuned only to Naam, GurBani, Kirtan, divine words, divine wisdom, Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar and nothing else.  This is all GurParsaad and to achieve this GurParsaad you should continue to pray on a daily basis, on a continuous basis until you are blessed with this GurParsaad of a Sat Sangat of a SatGur. 
Nirgun aap sargun bhee ohee.
Kalaa dhaar jin saglee mohee.
Apnay charit prabh aap banaa-ay.
Apunee keemat aapay paa-ay.
Har bin doojaa naahee ko-ay.
Sarabh nirantar ayko so-ay.
Ot pot ravi-aa roop rang.
Bha-ay pargaas sadh kai sang.
Rach rachnaa apnee kal dhaaree.
Anik baar nanak balihaaree.  8.18.
A normal person is transformed into a Sat Hirda and becomes a SatGur when the Sargun and Nirgun become one in Him.  A Puran Sant is born when the Sargun and Nirgun becomes one in all physical and divine senses in a person.  He is then a Puran Sant Hirda.  A Puran Braham Gyani comes into existence in the world when the Nirgun and Sargun becomes one inside a person who has been moving on the Bandgi path and completes His Bandgi and is blessed with Puran Braham Gyan and achieves the Param Padvi. 

Nirgun is the one which is beyond the three aspects of Maya and cannot be seen with the normal eye.  Nirgun can only be seen and experienced with the divine eye – Dib Drisht – Gyan Netter.  This is the divine super infinite power that we call “Ik Oankaar Sat Naam Karta Purakh Nirbhao Nirvair Akal Murat Ajuni Saibhun(g).” 

Sargun is the one which is present in every creation and runs the creation and operates the creation.  This is the divine power that runs every creation or operates every creation.  In human beings it is the life element.  It is the soul that runs the physical body.  It is the divine power present in the form of Sat Sarovars inside the physical body as a part of the Suksham Dehi which are responsible for making our physical body breath and run the blood in our veins, run our heart and all of the organs of the body for its functioning and keeps it going.  In the same way this divine infinite power is present in every creation and keeps the creation running and operating.  This divine power keeps the fire contained in wood, the same divine power keeps hydrogen and oxygen together and makes it water, however, these are two completely incompatible elements and cannot be stored together, as one is highly combustible and other one is a catalyst for fire, but they are held together in the form of water which gives life to the creation. 

Nirgun and Sargun becomes one when we are blessed with this divine wisdom that our physical body, which is Sargun, has been created by the Nirgun and is being run by the Nirgun which is the  Infinite Divine Power – Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Parmeshwar Ji.  This divine wisdom is called the Puran Tat Gyan, Puran Braham Gyan.  As our physical body, which is Sargun, is the creation of the Creator and is run by Akal Purakh’s Nirgun Infinite Divine Power, in the same way every creation is created by the Creator and also run by His Infinite Divine Power.  So the Infinite Divine Power that runs the individual creations, being present in individual creations, is called Sargun Saroop.  And the Infinite Divine Power that is beyond three aspects of Maya is called the Nirgun Saroop.

When this distance between these two is removed, then there remains no difference between the two and Sargun and Nirgun becomes one.  Our soul merges with the Nirgun Saroop and becomes one with God.  Basically, it is the Divine Truth that when we go beyond the three aspects of Maya and defeat Maya and kill our Haumai, then we being Sargun become one with Nirgun and there remains no difference between Nirgun and Sargun – this means merger in God.  Therefore, the physical creations are not the Sargun, but the Infinite Divine Power that runs these creations is the Sargun Saroop.  Since every creation is run by this Sargun Infinite Divine Power, this is how the Infinity – Akal Purakh, is omnipresent and runs the entire creation. 

Due to SatGuru’s Infinite Divine Powers, all this enlightenment and divine wisdom comes within the Sat Sangat of the SatGuru.  God’s Infinite Divine Powers are made available to the masses in the form of a SatGur.  Look at the kindness of Akal Purakh and how easy He has made the divine path to reach Him through the Sat Sangat of a SatGur.  Therefore, give up everything at the Sat Charans of a SatGur with Tunn, Munn and Dhann and with trust, faith, devotion and love and always stay at the Sat Charans of the SatGur to be blessed with the GurParsaad of realizing all His divine powers and become like Him. 

In fact, all His divine infinite powers are available to all of us, but it depends how many of us are eligible for achieving these divine powers.  Amrit is available to all of us equally without discrimination, whether one is a thief, or a killer or a normal person or a Bhagat, all have equal access to the Amrit in the form of a SatGur, but it depends upon our Karni as to how much we achieve.  So please work towards achieving this GurParsaad by focusing on Sat Karams and we are sure to achieve this GurParsaad one day. 

The divine infinite power is prevailing everywhere, in every creation and in every person.  This Infinite Divine Power is the Creator and runs the creation.  There is no other power that prevails.  All other powers are also created by this divine power.  There is nothing that can be achieved or done without this divine infinite power of Dhan Dhan Paar Braham Pita Parmeshwar Ji.  This infinite power has no price.  It cannot be priced as it is infinite.  Surrendering to this Infinite Divine Power does wonders for us.  This Infinite Divine Power is available in the form of a SatGur, a Puran Sant Puran Braham Gyani, a Puran Khalsa. 

SatGur’s Mahima is Beant and Anant and His Bachans are Sat Bachans.  To be able to follow His words is a GurParsaad for us and does wonders for our spiritual life.  Following their divine words transforms our Hirda into a Sat Hirda and enables us to also become the Mahima of Akal Purakh.