Sach Khand

Realm of Supreme Truth.  See Khands.  Sach Khand is nothing but the transformed Sat Hirda.  Sach Khand is the Hirda in which Truth, God, appears and fills it up with all of the super infinite divine qualities and powers.  At … Read More

Sach Ka Vapaari

The one who deals only in Eternal Truth.  The one who sees, hears, speaks, delivers and serves the Eternal Truth.    

Sach Di Takdi

Benchmark of Truth against which a soul is measured. The yard stick of Sat.  The scales of Truth.  Our Karni is being constantly watched against the yard stick of Sat.  Everything we do or perform is being judged and weighed … Read More

Saas Giraas Simran

A very high spiritual stage and when that happens Naam Simran goes on in  autopilot mode.  It never stops.  It continues day and night at every moment asleep or awake.  Eventually, it goes into Rom Rom.  Every cell of the … Read More


A person who is a seeker, a seeker of the Eternal Truth, who is engaged in Bandgi.  However, he may or may not get to Puran Bandgi.  He may become a Sidh, but he will only become a Puran Sant … Read More