Sat Naam

Truth is the Name of God.  Sat is the Naam of Akal Purakh and this Naam is the basis of every creation.  Everything has emanated from Sat Naam and by doing Sat Naam we become Sat and go into a … Read More

Sat Ki Karni

Doing Sat Karams full of unconditonal love and devotion, with no expectation of any material kind in return.  This means being truthful in all of our actions and reactions and in all of our deeds and behavior.  It means becoming … Read More

Sat Chit Anand

Bliss of being in Truth Consciousness, the highest consciousness.  Eternal happiness, everlasting happiness.    


The only Eternal Truth which lives and prevails forever. Sat means Paar Braham Parmeshwar (God).  It means the entity which is the only Eternal Truth.  This word is the keyword in the Mool Manter beginning “Ik Oankaar Sat Naam…”  Sat … Read More


This Infinite Divine Power is One and is called Nirgun, meaning the Formless One who is above Maya.  The entire creation is His Sargun Saroop as it is run by the Infinite Divine Power, but under the rules of Maya.  … Read More