Aasan lo-ay lo-ay bhandaar.
Jo kichh paa-e-aa so aykaa vaar.
Kar kar vaykhai sirjanhaar.
Naanak sachay kee saachee kaar.
Aadays tisai aadays.
Aad aneel anaad anaahat jug jug ayko vays. ||31||
The blessed Satguru (Truth Guru) incarnate Nanak Patshah Ji (Guru Nanak Ji) in this Salok (verse) of Puran Braham Gyan (entire divine wisdom) benevolently describes to the entire humanity the infinite magnificence of the abundant Bhandar’s (treasures; storehouses) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar (Truth, the Transcendent Lord and Creator of the Universe). The blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is infinite; therefore the Bhandarstoo created by Him are infinite. Here it is very important to hold this supremely essential truth firmly in one’s Hirdha (literally meaning heart, Hirdha or Hirdha Kamal denotes one of the seven Sat Sarovars located near heart; a part of one’s spiritual being) that the entire Jap Ji Bani (Jap Ji Sahib; composition by the blessed Satguru incarnate Nanak Patshah Ji appearing at the very beginning of Sri Guru Granth Sahib) is nothing but the magnificence of Mool Mantar (Definition of the Origin; the very first composition in Jap Ji Sahib). Mool Mantar establishes the unparallel supreme power of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar and His Sarab Kalaa (supreme and divine abilities). Mool Mantar establishes Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar’s a perfect and flawless supremely powerful entity. Jap Ji Bani establishes the underlying essences of the unparalleled supreme power of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Jap Ji Bani demonstrates how the magnificence of these underlying essences of the supreme power of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar manifest themselves in the human life and how the human life transforms into the magnificence of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Jap Ji Bani demonstrates to us the magnificence of the astounding miracles of the supreme power of the name “Sat Naam” (Truth as a manifestation of the Name of God) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, and establishes this supremely essential fact as to how Sat Naam carries the human being across the Bhavjal (sea of deceptions), Bhavsagar (sea of Maya’s deceptions; sea of ignorance) of Maya (the worldly temptations; all physical perceptions are nothing but illusions created by Maya), which is this world. The entire Jap Ji Bani describes the magnificence of Sat Naam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. The rest of the Gurbani (Gur’s words or God’s words; Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji) describes the magnificence of Jap Ji Bani. The rest of the Gurbani describes the magnificence of the underlying essences of Jap Ji Bani. The rest of the Gurbani describes these underlying essences in detail. The Satguru Sahiban (the ten Satguru Patshah Ji’s) and all the other Sants (saints) and Bhagats (devotees) whose words are recorded in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji practised these underlying essences in their lives and described their spiritual experiences in the form of Gurbani. Those who put these underlying essence to practice in their lives – the Sants, the Bhagats, the Braham Gyanis (possessing Braham Gyan – the divine wisdom), Satgurus, Avatars (divine incarnates), Pirs (holy persons with spiritual attainments), Paigambars (prophets; seers) and Khalsa’s (pure souls that have obtained the Braham Gyan) – all of them turned into the magnificence of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, into the magnificence of Mool Mantar. The highest order of the magnificence of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar consists of the Sants, the Bhagats, the Braham Gyanis, Satgurus, Avatars, Pirs, Paigambars and Khalsa’s. Even in today’s times such great beings – those who put the underlying essences of Mool Mantar to practice in their lives – join the highest order of the magnificence of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar; manifest themselves in the form of a Pargateyo Jyot (a manifested divine light; a soul that becomes the pure divine light of God Himself), a Puran Braham Gyani (possessing Puran Braham Gyan) upon this earth and shoulder the burden of this earth.
The discourse of the essential truth about “Bhandars” revealed by the blessed Satguru incarnate Nanan Patshah Ji in this Salok of Gurbani is similar to the attempt above to describe it in words. The word “Bhandar” as depicted in Jap Ji Bani has been the subject of discourse by the blessed Satguru incarnates and the Sants and the Bhagat in hundreds of Saloks:
“Amul Vaapaariae Amul Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 5)
“Teree Bhagat Teree Bhagat Bhandaar Jee Bhare Beant Beantaa.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 11)
“Gur Poorai Har Naam Dhriraaeaa Har Bhagtaa Athut Bhandaar.||1||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 28)
“Kirpaa Kar Kai Aapnee Dithon Bhagat Bhandaar.||1||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 36)
“Sej Suhaavee Har Rang Ravai Bhagat Bharae Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 38)
“Satgur Daataa Naam Kaa Pooraa Jis Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 49)
“Naanak Thot Na Aavee Tere Jugeh Jugeh Bhandaar.||7||1||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 53)
“Laal Javehar Maanakee Gur Bhandaarai Soe.||2||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 59)
“Dhadhaa Daataa Ek Hai Sabh Kao Devanhaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 257)
“Dendhae Tot Na Aavee Aganath Bharae Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 257)
“Kot Tethees Jaacheh Prabh Naaeik Dendhae Tot Naahee Bhandaar.”
( Sri Guru Granth Sahib 503)
“Jaa Kai Ghar Sabh Kichh Hai Bhaaee Nao Nidh Bharae Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 639)
“Tot Na Aavai Kade Mool Pooran Bhandaar.”
( Sri Guru Granth Sahib 816)
“Bhandar Dharab Arab Kharab Paekh Leela Man Sadhharai.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 901)
“Tot Na Aavai Poor Bhandaarai Tripat Rahe Aagheejaa Hae.||8||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 1074)
“Kot Kamaer Bhareh Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 1163)
“Akhut Bhandaar Bhare Kade Tot Na Aavai Sadaa Har Sevaho Bhaaee.||3||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 1333)
“Naam Padaarath Paaeiaa Athut Bharae Bhandaar.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 1414)
In these Saloks of Gurbani, the blessed Satguru incarnates have portrayed the magnificence of these boundless Bhandars of the blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. The most delightful and the supremely powerful immense Bhandar is that of the Bhagati (devotion) to Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. The Bandagi (submission before God) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar carries an immense power; and all the other Bhandars of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar are acquired through Bandagi alone.
A human being’s Bandagi of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar begins by receiving the Gurprasad of the name “Sat Naam”. The bestowal of the Gurprasad of “Sat Naam” can only be received from a Poora (perfect) Satguru. Only the one who is Poora (complete) can be a Satguru. The one who is Adhoora (less than perfect) cannot be a Satguru. Only the one whose Bandagi is approved in Dargah (Divine Court) is Poora, and thereby a Satguru. The one whose Bandagi is not approved in Dargah is an Adhoora and cannot be a Satguru; neither is an Adhoora empowered to bestow Gurprasad of Sat Naam upon others.
Sat Naam in itself is an immense gift. Receiving the Gurprasad of Sat Naam is like having gained everything. Those human beings who care and look after this Gurprasad of Sat Naam are blessed and gratified. They acquire Sat Naam Simran (meditation upon Sat Naam), Sat Naam Di Kamai (Sat Naam in practice in one’s life), Puran Bandagi (complete surrender before God) and Seva (humble and selfless service to others) of Maha Parupkar (guiding the mankind on the path of Bhagati and Jeevan Mukti). It is important to tell this essential truth here that there are many human beings who receive the Gurprasad; but only a rare person among them cares and looks after the Gurprasad. Only one amongst tens of millions dedicates one’s entire self at the pure and sacred feet of one’s Satguru in service of the Gurprasad, and accomplishes one’s Bandagi. The only secret of one’s Bandagi finding approval in Dargah is to sacrifice one’s body, mind and worldly possessions at the pure and sacred feet of the Satguru.
The human being whose Bandagi is approved in Dargah receives the Gurprasad of Jeevan Mukti (deliverance from the cycle of life & death; salvation) and of Puran Braham Gyan. Such great beings become one with Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar and attain Param Padvi (the highest spiritual status). Such great beings are blessed with the Seva to perform Parupkars (selfless acts for benefaction of humanity) and Maha Parupkar. These great beings then spend their lives in Parupkars and Maha Parupkar alone. Similarly, Bandagi too is limitless. Bandagi too acquires immensity. Once approved in Dargah, Bandagi turns into Seva of Satguru; of the Sangat (congregation; following); of Sat (Eternal Truth); of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar; of the humankind and of entire Creation, and there is no end to Seva of Sat. Seva of Sat is in itself an immense supreme power. Those great beings who acquire the Gurprasad of such Seva are intoxicated by Sat; and thus intoxicated they guide the humanity and bestow Gurprasad upon the humanity.
At the same time that Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar created the universe, He also created all His Bhandars. At this very time He created the boundless Bhandar of Bhagati too. The entire Creation is made from the basic element of “Sat”. This essential element of “Sat” alone is the womb to all Creation and to all supreme divine powers. Therefore the basic element of “Sat” alone is the basis of every creation. This essential element is nothing but the Nirgun Saroop (the infinite divine power that is beyond the three attributes of Maya) and it pervades the Sargun (all creations). Therefore this essential element of “Sat” is all-pervasive. This supreme power of Nirgun, known as “Sat”, the essential element, is the all-pervasive supreme power in the Nirgun Saroop. Therefore there is no one single place that is the abode of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar dwells in every creation in the form of this supreme power of the Nirgun Saroop. This is why this supreme power is called as all-pervasive. The basic, essential element “Sat”, being omnipresent, is infinite and beyond shape, figure or colour. This is why Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is given the name of Sat Naam.
Those great beings whose Bandagi attains peaks of spirituality and is approved in Dargah are able to get Darshan (vision with the inner, spiritual eye) of this supreme power of Nirgun Saroop. These great beings are able to have Darshan of this supreme power of Nirgun Saroop at will. This supreme power manifests itself in the form of Puran Jyot Prakash (perfect illumination of the divine light) in the bodies, which are Sargun, of many of these great beings. This supreme power appears in the eyes of many amongst these great beings. When they close their eyes, they get Darshan of Nirgun in the form of this divine light. Many great beings upon attaining Dhyan (Simran of Naam – with deep concentration, and detachment from all-else) glimpse this Nirgun Saroop all around.
All the Bhandars too of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar have originated from this basic, essential element “Sat”. Therefore Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is present in all His Bhandars too. These Bhandars are not limited to Bhagati alone. These Bhandars of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar also include in them the storehouses of all objects. The storehouses of all gifts provided to a human being to live are included in these Bhandars of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar; and all these Bhandars contain within them the abode of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar in the form of the basic, essential element “Sat”. All these Bhandar’s are inexhaustible. Meaning thereby that, these Bhandars never run out; and therefore all these Bhandars are boundless. The Bhandar of water is one such example. Water is the source of life of the creatures in all four Khani’s (the source of birth; the four Khani’s are Andaj the egg, Jeraj the womb, Setaj the sweat, and Ootatbhuj the earth) and of all vegetation. Without water, the creation and the life of the creatures in all four Khani’s and of all plant-life are not possible. Can anyone estimate how much water is there in all Creation? Is the gift of water not limitless? Is the Bhandar of water not limitless? This is why water is called as the father of the world in Gurbani. In the same way, the air is endowed the status of a Guru (teacher; mentor) in Gurbani. It is because, without the air the origin and the life of the creatures in all four Khani’s and of all vegetation are not possible. Can anyone estimate the amount of air in the universe? Is this Bhandar of Guru, the air, not limitless? In exactly the same way all the Bhandars of every commodity too sustaining the human life, e.g. food, are limitless.
The mother earth also possesses infinite capacity and capability to produce all foodstuffs. The mother earth also possesses infinite capacity and capability to produce all minerals. All the comforts and conveniences of the human life are associated with these infinite Bhandars of minerals situated inside the mother earth. With the constant developments in science in human life, endless comforts and luxuries are available to a human being from the use of these infinite stores of minerals. In the same way there is no limit to the Bhandars of pleasures and pains in human life. The worldly pleasures are endless; and the worldly pains too know no end. The Bhandars of divine virtues are limitless. Similarly the divine virtues such as the devotion, love, belief, humility, peacefulness, compassion, fearlessness, congeniality, Parupkar, Maha Parupkar too are endless. There are no limits to the Bhandars of these divine virtues. All these divine virtues are nothing but the divine powers, which are limitless.
In this way if we think about it, and keep thinking about it, this Puran Braham Gyan will continue to dawn upon us and make us aware of the limitless Bhandars of Sat Par Brahm. There is no end to the Bhandar of Puran Braham Gyan even. This supremely powerful Bhandar of Puran Braham Gyan too is immense. When a Puran Brahm Gyani focuses on a subject, the Puran Brahm Gyan about that subject automatically revelas itself. The spring of Puran Braham Gyan erupts within the human being itself. This spring of Puran Braham Gyan too, which the blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar with infinite kindness has situated within the human being, is boundless.
When the blessed Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar created the entire universe and the human being, at the same time Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar created all the divine Vidhans (constitutions; laws) too. At exactly the same time Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar also created all these boundless Bhandars and linked all these Bhandars to the divine Vidhan of Karma (destiny determined in accordance with one’s good and bad deeds). Therefore a human being receives from these Bhandars, as determined by his or her deeds. The basis of all these Bhandars and the divine Vidhans is nothing but the basic, essential element “Sat”. Therefore the disbursement from these divine Bhandars is done after subjecting one’s deeds under the criteria of “Sat”. The Sat Karams (the deeds of Sat, truthful deeds) performed by a human being in one’s life fill one’s life from the Bhandars of pleasures and prosperity; and the Asat Karam (untruthful deeds; deeds against Sat) destroy one’s life with the Bhandars of pains, strife and troubles. The Sat Karams performed by a human being in one’s life fill one’s life from the Bhandars of Bhagati and Naam and obtain Jeevan Mukti for the human being; and the Asat Karams leave the human being to wander in the 8.4 million Juni’s (low-life species), and the human being continues to struggle in the bonds of births & deaths. The Sat Karams performed by a human being in one’s life gratify one’s life by bestowing upon one the treasures of all divine virtues and powers; and the Asat Karams compel one to lead the life of slavery under Maya. The Sat Karams performed by a human being in one’s life obtain one the Gurpasad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam Di Kamai, Puran Bandagi and Maha Parupkar, obtain Puran Braham Gyan and Tat Gyan (divine knowledge; understanding of the divine ways); and the Asat Karams burn the human being in the fires of the lust, anger, greed, attachments, pride and Trishna (desires) and reduce one to ashes. Therefore all the deeds in one’s human life are weighed on the scales of Sat as per the Vidhan of Karma. Gurbani reveals this supremely essential truth:
“Gurmukh Tol Tolaaeisee Sach Taraajee Tol.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 59)
“Aape Kandaa Aap Taraajee Prabh Aapae Tol Tolaaeiaa.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 605)
“Aape Kandaa Tol Taraajee Aape Tolanhaaraa.”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 731)
The supreme power of Nirgun, extant within the human being as the basic, essential element “Sat”, keeps an account of the deeds of the human being and, under the divine Vidhan as per the good and bad deeds, bestows upon the human being the pains, the pleasures and the Bhandaars of Bhagti of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. In this way, the presence of the supreme power of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar in Nirgun Saroop is maintained from beginning till end in this entire endeavour and in His entire Kirat (vocation; occupation). No creation in the universe is devoid of this Nirgun supreme power of Sat Par Brahm. Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar thus establishes His presence throughout in His Kirat. This is why Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is omnipresent. The presence of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar in the form of the basic, essential element “Sat” is established in all the Bhandars; and since the basis of all the Bhandars is “Sat”, therefore all these Bhandars have been endowed, since the beginning, once and for all, with immensity. Since the basic, essential element “Sat” is infinite; and as all these Bhandars have “Sat” as their basis; therefore all these Bhandars too are infinite, and never run out.
The basic, essential element behind this astounding act of the Bhandars of nature is “Sat”; therefore every act of the Creator is based upon Sat, and is Sat. By the basic, essential element “Sat” is meant that, which is ever-existent:
“Aad Sach Jugaad Sach. Hai Bhee Sach Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.||1||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 1)
It means that the element “Sat” is ever-immutable; is ever-established. Since this element “Sat” forms the basis of every creation, therefore the law of building every creation by the Creator (Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar) is also “Sat”. It means that all the divine laws and Vidhans that regulate the origin, the administration, and the destruction of the Creation are also immutable and incontrovertible. By immutable it is implied those laws and Vidhans that cannot be altered. This supreme truth is revealed by the blessed Satguru incarnate Nanak Patshah Ji in this Pauri (verse) of Jap Ji Bani as well as in this supremely powerful Salok of the Puran Braham Gyan in Asa Di Var (a composition by Guru Nanak Ji, consisting of 24 Pauris):
Salok Mahla 1.
“Sache Tere Khand Sache Brehmand. Sache Tere Lao Sache Aakaar.
Sache Tere Karane Sarab Beechaar. Sachaa Teraa Amar Sachaa Deebaan.
Sachaa Teraa Hukam Sachaa Furmaan. Sachaa Teraa Karam Sachaa Neesaan.
Sache Tudh Aakheh Lakh Karor. Sachai Sabh Taan Sachai Sabh Jor.
Sachee Teree Sifat Sachee Saalaah. Sachee Teree Kudarat Sache Paatsaah.
Naanak Sach Dhiaaein Sach. Jo Mar Janmae Su Kach Nikach.||1||”
(Sri Guru Granth Sahib 463)
All the Khands and Brahmands (the inner spiritual realms and the outer physical worlds) have been created; are being created and will continue to be created only in accordance with these immutable laws and Vidhans formulated by Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Therefore the basis of all Khands and Brahmands is nothing but the basic, essential element of “Sat”. All of the worlds and all of the forms are created only in accordance with these incontrovertible divine laws and Vidhans. It means that every entity in the entire Creation has its basis in the primal, essential element “Sat”. Thus the Dargah and the Patshahi (spiritual reign) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is immutable. The Hukam (Divine Will) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is incontrovertible, as all the affairs of the Creation are run in accordance with His laws and Vidhans. The Hukam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar has its basis in all of these divine Vidhans, which are unalterable. Therefore the Hukam too of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is unchangeable. This immutable Hukam itself of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is known and called as the Vidhan of Vidhi (the ultimate authority). The immutable divine Hukam itself is known and described as the Kirat of Karta (Creator). Thus every Kirat of Karta is Sat too. The wisdom of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is the Puran Braham Gyan and the Puran Tat Gyan; which too are Sat. Puran Braham Gyan itself is Sifat Salah (praise; tributes to God) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar; and therefore Sifat Salah too of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is Sat. The entire Gurbani is the Gyan Saroop (embodiment of wisdom; refers to Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji); therefore the entire Gurbani is Sat. Since Gurbani is Sat, therefore Gurbani is the Guru. Because Guru is nothing but Sat; therefore Naam is nothing but Sat. The entire Gurbani is the Furmaan (command; edicts) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. The entire Gurbani is the Hukam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Therefore the Furmaan and the Hukam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar are Sat. Therefore the Furmaan and the Hukam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar are immutable. The kindness, the compassion, the blessings, the splendour and the phenomenon of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar are all Sat; therefore all these supreme powers of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar are immutable. The millions and billions of creatures that are in Simran (meditation; contemplation) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, abiding in His Simran, have all turned into a form of Sat. Abiding in the Simran of Sat Naam, a human being assimilates in Sat and transforms into Sat Roop (Sat in a human form). The human being who becomes Sat Roop attains Atal Awastha (the state of unshakable faith). Those human beings who attain Atal Awastha abide in Puran Hukam (Absolute Divine Will) of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar. Such great beings spend every moment and every instant abiding in Puran Hukam of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar; they act nothing but Puran Sat (Absolute Eternal Truth) and serve nothing but Puran Sat. Every deed of such human beings is Sat and directed towards Maha Parupkar of the humanity. Those human beings who are not Sat Roop are immature, meaning that they are slaves to Maya; and under the slavery of Maya they haven’t been liberated from the bonds of births & deaths. Those human beings, who turn Sat Roop, are triumphant over Maya and Maya places itself in their service. But those human beings, who haven’t turned into Sat Roop, remain slaves of Maya; meaning thereby that they are slaves to the lust, anger, greed, attachments, pride and Trishna. Such human beings aren’t liberated from the bonds of births & deaths.
Thus this expanse of the entire Creation of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar is nothing but a play of the basic, essential element of “Sat”. All the creation is based on Sat. All the laws and the Vidhans of the origin, the administration and the destruction of the entire Creation are Sat and immutable. All acts and deeds, laws and Vidhans of Sat Par Brahm Pita Parmeshwar, who is ever-constant, are immutable. Those in Bandagi realize this whole truth and such human beings, carrying on with their Bandagi and Simran of Sat, discover this ever-established abode of Sat within them, become Sat Roop, and turn their lives into a success. Therefore pray and worship Sat; do Bandagi before Sat; do Jaap (recitation) of Sat Naam; do Simran of Sat Naam, which is the origin of all Creation; which is absolute and pure; which is indestructible; which is ever-existent; which is a supreme power; which is the source of all powers; which is the source of Puran Braham Gyan; which is the source of Puran Tat Gyan; which is ever-immutable; which is without beginning and without end. Only by doing so, a human being can attain Jeevan Mukti.