Sochai Soch Na Hovaee Je Sochi Lakh Vaar
Chupai Chup Na Hovaee Je Laae Rahaa Liv Taar
Bhukhyaa Bhukh Na Utree Je Banna Puriya Bhaar
Sahas Syaanpa Lakh Hohe Tan Ik Na Chale Naal
Kiv Sachyaara Hoeeae Kiv Koodai Tutai Paal
Hukam Rajaai Chalna Nanak Likhyaa Naal
In this verse, great great True Guru incarnate King of kings Nanak is putting in the lap of the whole humanity, the beautiful story of Gurparsaad of purifying the Hirdha, mind and the whole body. The whole Japji Gurbani leads the whole humanity to the great and supremely powerful way of Sachkhand. This supremely powerful Gurbani will keep on showing the complete path to Sahckhand to the whole humanity till the world remains in existence. The ones who carve this Gurbani in their life are blessed with infinite, endless divine gifts of great great Supreme Transcendent Father Sat and make their Hirdha Sachkhand and manifest Akaal Purakh in it.
Come let us pray with folded hands before beyond reach, beyond approach, infinite, endless, great great Supreme Transcendent Lord Father Truth (SAT) and the great, great Guru and bow to their holy feet millions and millions of times, let us pray with a Hirdha full of humility, let us pray with complete trust and faith, with complete belief and faith, with devotion and love that they help us in understanding in the internal true sense, the actual divine meaning of the words “Sach Khand”.
It is formed of two words- “Sach” and “Khand”. The word “Sach” means Anaad Sat (Unending Truth), Nirgun Saroop (Divine Light), Param Jot (Supreme Soul) Pooran Prakaash (complete brightness) great, great Supreme Transcendent Lord Himself and the word “Khand” means that place where this Nirgun Saroop, Param Jot Pooran Parkaash great, great Supreme Transcendent Lord manifests in divine form. Sach Khand is the Hirdha (divine heart) of a complete Brahm Gyaani, a complete Sant Satguru. A completely truthful Hirdha, a complete Sant Satguru is the one one who has:-
· earned the Pooran Sachyaari Rehat (Perfect Truthful Inner Compliance To God’s Word. Only by complying to God’s word do we complete our inner pilgrimage )
· earned the compliance of winning over the mind.
· earned the compliance of winning over the five vices.
· earned the compliance of having no desire.
· has earned the compliance of complete divine order, all of his deeds are under complete divine order.
· earned the compliance of being “Ik Drisht” (Seeing all with equal vision).
· earned the compliance of being Nirbhao and Nirvair.
· earned the compliance of loving the whole creation by seeing God equally in every creation.
· achieved the compliance of enjoying the Atam Rus (soul bliss) on continous basis.
· achieved the compliance of Rom Rom Naam Simran (Simran in every cell of the body)
· has achieved the compliance of continuously listening to the unstruck melody (Akhand Kirtan of Anhad Shabad) in the tenth door / crown chakra (Dassam Duar).
(Akhand Kirtan- When the Anhad Naad word is heard in the Dassam Duaar continuously, it becomes the real Akhand Kirtan because it never stops, it goes on 24 hours a day for ever. As opposed to the common meaning today to sing Shabads overnight without interruption )
(Anhad Shabad- Divine unstruck music and divine word heard within the Dassam Duar, and not with the phyical ears or mind )
And continuing, a completely truthful Hirdha, a complete Sant Satguru is the one one who has:-
· merged with Akaal Purakh
· Pooran Jot Parkash inside them.
· achieved the Supreme State.
· become a living Sach Khand
· serve Truth/Sat and distribute Truth/Sat.
A Pooran Sant Satguru is a Sada Suhagan (forever wife of God) with all the divine virtues sculptured inside the Hirdha. Such a Hirdha is Sach Khand where God resides and He is blessing this world by manifesting Himself in such a Hirdha. Such a human being just sees, listens, speaks only Anaad Sat “Ik Onkaar Sat Naam” and serves and distributes only Sat. It is such a place where Anaad Sat resides, where Sat resides, where divinity resides, where Nirgun Saroop Param Jot Pooran Parkaash great great supreme Transcendent honorable Lord Sat resides in Sach Khand. Such a Hirdha is a completely pure Hirdha and is blessed with all the eternal treasures.
Such a Hirdha cannot be earned by keeping outside purety. Compliance of such a completely truthful Hirdha cannot be achieved by complying with even countless outside compliances. The completely truthful compliance of the Hirdha cannot be achieved by following the outside rituals. Great great True Guru incarnate honorable king of kings Nanak through this shabad is breaking the illusion that by observing outside rituals, inner progress to Sach Khand is made.
The present sangat (religious congregation) is wasting the human life in this illusion. The whole sangat is running after the outer compliance. How can the internal pilgrimage be done by complying with the outside rituals. How can the mind’s dirt be washed by keeping outside rituals? Pooran Bandgi (complete divine slavery) is an internal pilgrimage. Akaal Purakh (Immortal Being) will manifest in your Hirdha from inside. Akaal Purakh will manifest in your Hirdha only. The complete Brahm Gyaan and the complete Tat Gyaan will come from your inside only.
Your Hirdha can follow the internal compliance and reach the Pooran Sachyaari Rehat only when the mind and Hirdha’s dirt is washed away. The mind can manifest in the Jyot onl when mind’s dirt is washed. We cannot silence the mind because it has layers of dirt accumulated from various past lives. We can pretend to try and keep quiet on outside, we can keep quiet but by keeping quiet on the outside we still cannot silence the mind. Our mind is continuously filled up with thoughts. These thoughts never end. All these thoughts are a result of dirt put on the mind from the several past lives. All these endless thoughts have build a home in our mind and these never end. All these thought patterns occur under the influence of maya. The mind cannot be at peace when it is a slave of maya. Slavery of maya means slavery of five vices- slavery of lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego and slavery of Trishna (Desires, the main one being the desire to amass wealth and worldly comforts and material goods. Desires are the most difficult thing to win over in order to beome desireless. Desiring is a continuous process and never ends. One after another desires keep on coming in a never ending stream. They keep on prompting us to do fair and unfair things in order to fulfill them. There is only one way to eliminate desires and that is to go into a state of Sat Santokh, divine contentment. Sat Santokh comes only with Naam Simran, Naam Ki Kamai and Puran Bandgi, which again is a GurParsaad. Desires are the root cause of all of the problems and will never let our mind go into the mode of peace and contentment. So please stay focused on Sat Ki Karni and Sat Naam Simran, because only Sat can bring peace to our mind and replace it with Param Jyot Puran Parkash and give us the Gur Parsaaad of Puran Brahamgian. This is the only way we can win over our own mind. Winning over the mind is winning over Maya. Winning over Maya is winning over Panj Doots and desires. The Panj Doots and desires are the highest level of mental sicknesses. Only a Satgur is Rog Rehat, meaning that only the Satgur doesn’t suffer from any such sickness at all, “Jo Jo Disey So So Rogi. Rog Rehat Mera Satgur Jogi.” People ask if we give up desires how can we get anything? The answer is that when we give up everything to Him, then He takes good care of us. Infact, a stage comes when all of our desires vanish and then He will continue to give us an excellent life and everything we need. Everything happens according to the divine law of His Hukam and our Karni. Our destiny is carved based on our Karni according to the mandatory law of the Karma. So whatever we sow so shall we reap. If we sow truthful deeds then our future will obviously be bright and shining. And same way if we sow untruthful deeds then our future will be full of sorrows and pains. So whenever sorrows and pains come in life that means that we must have done something real stupid at some point of time in space that is why we have to see hardships, pains and sorrows. If we do have a desire for anything though, please desire only for Naam Ki Kamai, just like the Sants who are always and forever absorbed in Naam Ki Kamai. )
Due to slavery of Trishna, which never ends, the hunger of our mind never ends. Trishna means the never ending process of desires which is continously going on and on. As a result our mind and Hirdha is always burning in the fire of desires. The main reason for slavery of maya is being in Manmat (self-wisdom). Manmat is maya. Even millions of self-wisdoms cannot wash away the mind’s dirt. This is becuase self-wisdoms are Manmat, which is maya, so how can the dirt of mind and Hirdha be washed by doing slavery of maya. Everything else except Gurmat is Manmat only. So, everything else except Gurmat is maya only. Being a slave of maya under Manmat is the main reason for mind’s dirt. This mind and Hirdha has been blackened since various lives because of all the false deeds done under the slavery of maya in manmat. So, how can it be at peace ? This means that even now that is at present time too, how can the mind be at peace if it is doing slavery of maya ? One is lost by doing slavery of maya. There are only pains and sorrows in slavery of maya. One is lost in 8.4 million life forms in slavery of maya.
The Hirdha can earn the complete truthful compliance only by earning the internal compliance. The above described all the compliances of a Sant Hirdha are the compliances of Hirdha only and without earning these compliances, the dirt of mind and Hirdha, which has build its home in the mind and Hirdha from the past various lives, cannot be removed. How can the fruit of internal pilgrimage be got by doing the outside pilgrimage ?
This dirt of mind and Hirdha only has become the wall of falsehood. Slavery of maya has become the wall of falsehood. This dirt which has kept on sticking to the mind and Hirdha from the past many lives has become the wall of falsehood and Hirdha has just become.the slave of maya. That is why the vision of Akaal Purkah can be had only after going beyond this wall of falsehood which also means the three aspects of maya. Our mind and Hirdha has become down pressed under the effect of destructive powers of maya which are also descibed as Rajo gunns and Tamo gunns. To understand this wall of falsehood, the knowledge about these destructive powers of maya is infinitely essential. That is why, come let us try and understand this game of maya so that we can break this wall of falsehood and we can achieve Jivan Mukti by getting the Gurparsaad of Naam, Naam Simran, Naam di Kamaai, Pooran Bandgi, Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar.
All the human deeds and works are done under the effect of five senses- eyes-seeing, tongue-speaking, ears-listening, skin-touching and nose-smelling and these five senses work under the mind. The human mind acquires all the wisdom from human knowledge. Human knowledge is worldly knowledge, knowledge which works under the influence of three aspects of maya, these are:-
Tamo Gunn: Lust, Anger, Greed, Attachment and Ego.
These five enemies of our soul live in our body, these are also called ‘panj doots’ (five vices)
Rajo Gunn- Asa,Trishna and Mansa (Desires)
Sato Gunn- Dayaa, Dharam, Daan, Santokh, Sanjam
(Dayaa- Kindness,
Dharam- Union with God. However, it is commonly translated as religion, but a lot of religious acts are untruthful nowadays and do not unite us with God. The divine meaning of Dharam is to follow the divine wisdom direct from God and not the man-made religious belief systems. The real divine meaning of Dharam is union with God – or to unite with God – by following the divine wisdom – Gur Mat, GurBani. Kindness is the mother of religion, “Dholl Dharam Daya Ka Poot.” Jap Ji Bani explains this divine wisdom of the highest order. This means that kindness gives birth to religion. This means that kindness is the foundation for union with God as the Shabad Dharam or Religion means union with God. We are kind by nature. We have a naturally kind Hirda. Union with God means we become part of nature. Nature is God. Nature is another meaning of the word religion. So following our natural habit of kindness, makes us full of kindness.
Daan- Giving. Charitable donations. Naam Daan, Bhagti Daan, Punn Daan, Jee-a Daan, Dasvandh
Santokh- Satisfaction
Sanjam- Patience, humbleness, humility )
Some people think that maya means money, which is not true. The dargahi meaning of maya has been explained vide these three aspects of maya. Maya has been called darkness in Gurbaani, it has also been called filth in which we are living, it has also been called serpent, serpent which is always sitting above our head ready to bite. In Japji, it has been called the wall of falsehood.
If you examine your daily deeds, if you analyse deeds done by you daily, then you will realise that all your daily deeds are done under these three aspects of maya. Only Sant, Saadh, Brahm Gyaani, Pooran Khalsa or Satguru is beyond these three aspects of maya. Only the deeds of a Pooran Sant, deeds of a Pooran Saadh, deeds of a Pooran Brahm Gyaani, deeds of a Pooran Khalsa or deeds of a Satguru occur under the hukam (under the will of God) and this order comes from the Param Jot, Dargahi Jot whose Parkaash is always shining in the Hirdha of these Maha Purakhs
(Nirgun Saroop – Divine Light. 1) Some people are given the GurParsaad of seeing Parkash, meaning seeing the Nirgun Saroop with their eyes open. Some people see the Divine Light when they close their eyes. These blessed people see the Divine Light all around an Apras. 2) Please be sure to understand that when we say Parkash we really physically see this Parkash, it is not just said in GurBani, it happens to us physically and our body is filled with this divine Jyot and Parkash and we can physically see this Divine Light. Therefore, please do what GurBani is telling us to do and enjoy everything that GurBani says will happen to us. All this really happens, it is not any illusion, it is a Divine Truth ).
All the five senses and physical limbs of these Maha Purakhs work under the hukam of the Param Jot because such souls have merged with the divine by breaking this wall of falsehood and going beyond the three aspects of maya. Therefore, the divine gift of being and living under the Pooran Hukam is achieved only and only by winning over maya.
Only such souls are beyond these three aspects (Rajo, Tamo and Sato) of maya and maya serves them, maya remains at their feet. The rest of the whole world is working under maya and is doing slavery of maya. Till the time we will move according to our self-wisdom, mind’s wisdom, we will remain under the influence of maya, we will be doing slavery of maya. Till the time, we will do deeds under the influence of Rajo and Tamo aspects of maya, we will never be able to achieve Jivan Mukti, the goal of human life. Jivan Mukti is beyond the reach of these three aspects of maya. Akaal Purakh is beyond the three aspects of maya. Dargah is beyond the three aspects of maya. That is why, a complete Sant, a complete Brahm Gyaani, a Satgur and a Pooran Khalsa is beyond the three aspects of maya.
The persons who are liberated do not work under the influence of maya. The persons who are liberated win over maya and go beyond the three aspects of maya and merge in Akaal Purakh. Jivan Mukti is nothing else but getting freedom from the web of maya. Jivan Mukti is freedom from maya. Jivan Mukti can be achieved only by killing the self-wisdom (Mind’s wisdom), worldly wisdom and achieving the Gurmat (God-Guru’s Wisdom, includes GurBani). Jivan Mukti is death of the mind. When the mind dies, mind’s wisdom is finished and with the light of Gurmat, param jot is manifested in the Hirdha which fills up the Hirdha with Pooran Jot Parkaash and honours it with infinite divine power.
(Pooran Parkaash- The field of pure and very strong spiritual energy, the aura, around the people who attain the stage of Puran Brahamgian. Please be sure to understand that when we say Parkash we really physically see this Parkash, it is not just said in GurBani, it happens to us physically and our body is filled with this divine Jyot and Parkash and we can physically see this Divine Light. Therefore, please do what GurBani is telling us to do and enjoy everything that GurBani says will happen to us. All this really happens, it is not any illusion, it is a divine truth. )
In this way, by winning over our mind and by controlling the five human senses and by following the Brahm Gyaan, Jivan Mukti can be achieved. The two aspects of maya (Rajo and Tamo) are opposite to divinity but the third aspect (Sato) makes the way on the path to divinity. The Sato aspect of maya helps us in moving towards Jivan Mukti. The Sato aspect of maya by defeating the othe two aspects, helps us by taking us to that stage where we can be blessed with the Gurparsaad and can be blessed Anaad divine gifts. When enough Sato deeds are accumulated, then we are blessed with that stage from where we can move forward on the way to Sach Khand, we can achieve the blessing of Gurparsaad of devotion and thus we can become one with the all powerful Supreme Transcendent father Lord Sat.
To move towards Jivan Mukti (liberation) and to achieve the main goal of this human life, we will have to work hard and fight a battle against the Rajo and Tamo aspects (which have been explained earlier) of maya. This divine battle which is against the Rajo ans Tamo aspects of maya and by moving forward under the third aspect, the Sato power of maya and by achieiving the Gurparsaad, we start winning. By moving forward under the Sato aspects when we reach the supreme state of good deeds, then we are blessed with the Gurparsaad of naam, naam simran, earning of naam,, pooran bandgi and seva. With the blessing of Gurparsaad, the process of our winning against maya speeds up. By following the Gurparsaad, by surrendering ourself with complete effort, by surrendering our body, mind and wealth at the feet of Guru and after achieving the Pooran Bandgi our devotion is accepted in the Dargah. That is how we achieve victory over Rajo and Tamo, the destructive powers of maya and we reach the state of liberation. The supreme state is achieved after going beyond the three aspects of maya, the Atal Awastha is achieved.
(Atal Awastha-Totally stable state. The soul that can never be disturbed by anything that happens around him whatever it may be, because he goes into Puran Hukam and realizes in all practical senses that everything that happens is in the Hukam and only Hukam prevails.
The ones who achieve GurParsaad and focus on Naam Simran and Naam Ki Kamai achieve Puran Awastha (Supreme Status). Param Padvi is the Puran Awastha (State of Perfection). Puran Awastha is also called Atal Awastha (Unshakable State). The ones who lose the GurParsaad do so because their trust is there only as long as it is not shaken by any doubts, illusions or delusions. As soon as they allow their trust to be shaken, it means there is no trust and that is the reason for them falling back. But, when we reach the Puran Awastha then our trust is Puran too and will never be shaken no matter what happens around us. This trust allows us to cross all limits and become infinite. Our infinite trust makes us a winner. This trust is Bandgi. Devotion is Bandgi and love is Bandgi. As long as our trust, devotion and love for the Guru is there we are progressing in Bandgi, as soon as our trust is shaken, our devotion and love will also be shaken and blocks our progress in Bandgi. So please be careful and never let our trust in our Guru be shaken. Just keep on enhancing it until it reaches that level when we are blessed with Puran Tat Gyan. Once we reach that level in our Bandgi then we can never fall back. That is called Atal Awastha. Our trust for our Guru is Atal, our devotion for Guru is Atal, our love for Guru is Atal). We are relieved from the burden of all the deeds. We set ourself free from the shackles of maya.
The most important thing to understand is that which weapon to use in this battle against maya? Which weapons are so powerful that they can break the backbone of maya and prove to be capable enough to put it under our control. The first and most wonderful weapon which can break the backbone of maya is Gurparsaadi Naam. By doing collective, consistent and continous efforts for Naam Simran, we receive endless and very powerful rewards. Doing Naam Simran is the highest service to the all powerful transcendent Lord Father Sat. ‘Prabh Ka Simran Sabh Te Oocha’, Naam is the highest divine order of Akaal Purakh. Gurbaani says that everything else other than Naam is filth. This means that all other doings and deeds are untruthful. Sat karams too, in divine terms are of no use if we do not do Naam simran. If we do Naam Simran, then Naam Simran takes us towards the inner pilgrimage which is the supreme spiritual and divine pilgrimage. When Naam simran goes into our surat and Hirdha, then and only then our inner pilgrimage begins.
Naam simran opens all our ‘Bajjar Kapaats’ including the ‘Dassam Duaar’ (Bajjar kapaats-Divine doors. Consisting of four areas around the head, plus the Dassam Duaar (crown chakra). The four areas around the head are the brow chakra and the back of the head and above each ear. Also there are four more doors – a door in each palm and sole of the foot.).
Naam Simran activates the seven sources of spiritual energy present in our body. These seven sources of spirituality have been called ‘Sat Sarovars’ in Gurbaani. When ‘Sat sarovars’ are activated, then Naam goes into every cell, evry bit of the body and the whole body is filled up with divine amrit. Naam Simran helps us in our inner pilgrimage, which is the practical and the real pilgrimage. The inner pilgrimage is the true spiritual pilgrimage which take us towards the complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha means the achievement of compliance of lust, anger, greed, attachment, ego and Asa, Trishnna, Mansa which nreaks the back bone of Maya and makes it our slave. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha takes us beyond the three aspects of maya and we are blessed with the great Gurkirpa and Gurparsaad of vision of the all powerful Supreme Transcendnet Lord Sat. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha fills our Hirdha with all the divine virtues and honours us with all the divine powers. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha fills us with the complete Brahm Gyaan and Atam Rus Amrit. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us achieve the great and supremely powerful Gurparsaad of the blessings of the complete Tatt gyaan. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us achieve the supreme state. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha takes us to the totally stable state. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha honours us with the Param Jyot Pooran Parkash. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha takes our Hirdha into infinity. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us earn the honour in the Dargah. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us achieve a permanent place in the Dargah forever. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us Jivan Mukat. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha merges us forever with the Nirgun Saroop of Akaal Purakh and makes us achieve the Gurparsaad of Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar. The complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha makes us ‘Amrit ka Daata’ (Giver of the gift of Amrit. When we have defeated Maya and attached completely to the Infinite Divine Power we lose our individuality and our identity and the Infinite Divine Power takes over us completely. With our complete surrender at the Charan Sharan of our Satguru we receive the Gur Kirpa and Gur Parsaad and we are saved from the slavery of Maya. We are absorbed in Sat Naam always and forever. Naam goes into our Rom Rom. Our entire body is filled with Amrit. This Amrit then flows out from our body and we are able to give it to others for subduing their Panj Doots resulting in their peace of mind; for healing them mentally and physically and for uplifting them spiritually)
Naam Amrit (Divine energy) is the thread, the internal thread, which when held on and used to climb up on the divine path, takes us to the Lord. Naam Amrit is the ladder which takes us to the Sach Khand. Naam Amrit makes us completely truthful from inside out. Naam Amrit takes our Hirdha to the complete truthful compliance. Naam Amrit makes us single vision, without animosity, fearless, kind, full of humility, free from ego, sacrifice, loving and the helper of the whole creation. Naam Amrit fills our Hirdha with all the divine virtues. Naam Amit destroys all our mental sicknesses and vices. Naam Amrit destroys all our sinful deeds. Naam Amrit settles the account of all our deeds. Naam Amrit frees us from the shackles of maya. Naam Amrit takes us beyond the three aspects of maya and we are blessed with the great Gurkirpa and Gurparsaad of vision of the all powerful Supreme Transcendnet Lord Father Sat. Naam Amrit fills our Hirdha with all the divine virtues and honours us with all the divine powers. Naam Amrit fills us with the complete Brahm Gyaan and Atam Rus Amrit. Naam Amrit makes us achieve the great and supremely powerful Gurparsaad of the blessings of the complete Tatt gyaan. Naam Amrit makes us achieve the supreme state. Naam Amrit takes us to the totally stable state. Naam Amrit honours us with the Param Jyot Pooran Parkash. Naam Amrit takes our Hirdha into infinity. Naam Amrit makes us earn the honour in the Dargah. Naam Amrit makes us achieve a permanent place in the Dargah forever. Naam Amrit resides permanently in our Hirdha and makes us Jivan Mukat. Naam Amrit merges us forever with the Nirgun Saroop of Akaal Purakh and makes us achieve the Gurparsaad of Parupkaar and Maha Parupkaar. Naam Amrit makes us Amrit ka Daata.
The Hirdha in which the there is illumination of Naam cannot be affected by maya. The soul and mind which is absorbed in Naam simran becomes so stable that it cannot be disturbed by maya. Naam Amrit is Gurparsaad and it has been explained in the very first line ‘Ik Onkaar Sat Naam’, of Gurbaani which is called the Mool Mantar.
All the other deeds done under the Sato aspect of maya take us nearer to the grace of Gurparsaad. When we accumulate these true deeds in the form of religious deeds, then we are blessed with the grace of Gurparsaad of Naam. The real devotion begins with the achievement of the first weapon against maya i.e. Naam Amrit. The Gurparsaad of naam can be acheived by the blessings of a complete saint, a complete knower of the divine knowledge.
What is the way by which we can please the Lord so that He blesses us with the Gurparsaaad of Naam through His complete saint, complete knower of the divine knowledge ? This is completely true and we will have to admit it that we ourselves are responsible for shaping our destiny. Whatever we sow today, we will reap it soome time in our life or reap it in next lives. Whatever we have sown in our past lives, we are reaping it today. If we will sow only naam through good deeds, true deeds, truthful deeds and naam simran, then it is sure that all our.previous sinful deeds will finish and we will become eligible for getting the grace of Gurparsaad.
That is why till the time we reach the level of getting the Gurparsaad of naam, we should:-
· continue collecting the truthful deeds
· continously pray for Gurparsaad
· focus on doing our daily actions and deeds with maximum of truthfulness.
· watch all our actions and deeds carefully and make sure that we do not get provoked by the Rajo and tamo aspects of maya.
· Keep ourselves engaged in prayers, at day and night for forgiveness of all the untruthful deeds which we have committed in the day under the influence of Rajo and tamo aspects of maya.
In this way, slowly but surely our behaviour will start becoming pure, our deeds start becoming more truthful. The Lord will look at us with kindness and will bless us with Gurparsaad of His grace. We will be blessed with the grace of Supreme Transcendent Lord Father Sat and our devotion will go into Karam Khand (the realm of grace). In this way, our account of Naam will be opened in the Divine Court. Once we achieve the Gurparsaad, then with complete dedication towards the Gur (Truth God) and the Guru (True master, satguru) and moving on the path of complete devotion by offering our body, mind and wealth, and by keeping and serving this priceless jewel of nectar of Naam, we achieve the complete truthful compliance of the Hirdha. Complete surrender at the Sat charans (feet) of the Gur and the Guru is the second weapon in the battle against maya. Complete surrender at the feet of the Gur and the Guru is a law of Divine Court, it is a divine order, that is why for achieving the Gurparsaad of the complete devotion, we need to surrender ourselves completely before the Gur and the guru. Then we keep on going up and up the divine ladder. We defeat maya and win over its Rajo and Tamo aspects.
Other weapons for fighting against Maya are:-
· Practicing Gurbaani in our daily routine is very important. It brings humitiy in us and this humility kills our ego. Only reading and listening to Gurbaani and thinking that it is a good deed is not correct. Read Gurbaani, sing it, listen it but also bring it into practice.
· Cultivating a feeling of forgiving finishes our anger. Loving our family as the sangat of the Guru frees us from attachment. When we love and respect everyone as the sangat, then attachment will disappear from our inside and this pure love will change into love for everyone and will bring a sense of single vision in us.
· By giving one-tenth of our earning, we get freed from the greed of money and attachment of the worldly treasures. By giving one-tenth of our earning to the master (Guru), we get freed from the greed of money and attachment of the worldly treasures.
· By earning truthfully and with contenment, we win over the desire of worldly things and we achieve a control on our desires.
· Stopping ourselves from back-biting others will finish hatred from our inside. This will develop a sense of respect for everyone in the society and this will make us single-vision and without hatred..
· Focusing on our own faults and not pointing a finger at others will make us realize that how bad we are and what steps should we take to improve ourselves.
· Inner humility, earning a Hirdha full of humility, makes us humble and brings humility in our soul and mind. Utmost humility is the key to the divine court.
· Considering ourselves lowest of all brings humility in our mind and soul. Helping the poor and donating for a cause brings kindness inside us till the time we do it as selfless service, without a desire to get some benefit or to be recognised, desires can only be conquered with Naam Simran. That is why do simran while doing service, then it will become selfless service.
· When we keep Gur, Guru and Sangat above everything else and we love and do our bhagti unconditionally, then this brings a lot of divinity in us.
Above explained weapons and golden rules will help you fight maya easily. Only the win over maya can pacify our mind. Only the win over maya can fill our Hirdha completely with Amrit. Only the win over maya can manifest the Supreme light and complete light in our Hirdha. Only the win over maya can transform our mind into supreme light. Only the win over maya can bring our senses and limbs under complete divine order. Only the win over maya can extinguish the fire of our desires. Only the win over maya can merge us with Akaal Purakh by breaking the wall of falseness and illusion. Only the win over maya can make us free whilst alive. Only the win over maya can make us achieve the supreme state. Only the win over maya can make us elgibile to be blessed with the complete divine knowledge and absolute divine knowledge. Only the win over maya can make us earn the honour in the divine court. Only the win over maya can transform our Hirdha inot a saint’s Hirdha. Only the win over maya has the capability of earning us the service of doing good for others without expecting any rewards or recognition and service of great doing of this order. Only the win over maya can make us Amrit Dhaari (holder of Immortal divine Energy). Only the win over maya make us earn the divine gift of distributing the divine grace. Only the win over maya can tansform our Hirdha into Sach Khand (the realm of Truth).