2. Mercy

“SAT-NAAM JEE” countless prostration at feet of yours (“satnaam ji, dandauth bandhana ji”), Dearest lovable, kindest and always forgiving  “Dassan Dass Ji”,   thank you for everything.   Can you please explain what is the meaning of MERCY, (“DAYA”).   What does it mean when God-guru’s eternal … Read More

4. Honest Work

We had the great fortune to speak with Truth Master “SatGuru Baba Jee” last night – He is  Great Great  “Dhan Dhan”…. palm pressed prostration  (“dandout”)  forever to  Complete supreme Saint –Truth-Guru (“Puran Sant SatGuru”). “Sat Sat Sat SatNaaaam”. He … Read More

8. Learn To Trust

Eternal, loved, loving, grace of great, great Guru and God who is unapproachable, unfathomable, imperceptible, endless, infinite blessed, blessed supreme lord and master: (“Gur Parsaad of Agam Agochar Shree Paar Braham Parmesar”) and the Guru we will take this opportunity … Read More