SATMEET – Sidh Gosht

SATMEET asked a question about the Sidh Gosht mentioned in Inderjit’s message. Good catch ! Here is what she meant by Sidh Gosht. Basically she is talking about the spiritual discourses of Satnaam Sangat. Satnaam pitaji. With aapji grace we … Read More

Inderjit – Wordly Desires

Dhan dhan mera satgur poora Dhan dhan sare bhagats avatars brahmgyanis gurus gurmukhs khalsa gursikhs Dhan dhan dassan dassji Dhan dhan satnaam di mahima Dhan dhan satpaarbrahm sarnayee Satnaam pitaji with aapji beyant blessings during amritwela for few days aapji … Read More

Misusing Miraculous Powers

Today we will share a real life story that we have seen ourselves and happened with one of our Cousin’s son. His son was a devotee of Balak Nath. He was blessed with the power of reading the minds of … Read More

Stubborn Demi-Gods

Question: Satnaam Satnaam ji Dandaut Baba ji dhan dhan are saints Bhagat Bandgi and their experience i cannot understand or translate them because i am not saint or bhagat.. What I really feel after reading experience is that when we … Read More